Tuesday, May 05, 2015

In Other (BIG) News:


Adele' learned how to ride WITHOUT training wheels this past week...and that very afternoon, she taught Judah how to ride two-wheels too!  

A teacher-mother in the making.  ;-)


  1. perfect! Trinity learned this past week too...looks like kids just needs some snow free ground to work with :)

  2. Aww I remember teaching my girl to ride a bike. Now she's about to be 17 and it's a car!:) Christina

  3. Rebecca,
    Popping over from Amanda's to wish you a beautiful Mother's Day! How exciting life is for you right now! I'm blessed just sharing your "news"... :-)
    The Lord is good and has answered the longings of your mama heart. Thanking Him today! xoxo

  4. Too much big news, lady! You're supposed through spread these out over a few months, huh?


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