What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Friday, May 08, 2015

My Work

Andrew has been finding treasures on his woods' walks.  He has found THREE owl pellets which he is over the moon about.  The boy has eagle eyes in the woods.

The amphibian visits have begun- spring finally sprung.

Smoothie breakfasts replace scones...another sure sign.

fruit trees in bloom!  Sooooo exciting!

Once upon a time, I never would have dreamed of children dissecting owl pellets on my bed and being there, enjoying it all, with them.  I never would have known I would admire so many frogs, newts and creatures as I do every week (day!) now.  I never would have imagined all the laundry that children produce, how much food can disappear and how quickly, how many reprimands a child requires and how many infinitely more hugs and kisses are necessary for the proper raising of children.

I never would have imagined having so many moments of my life given up for the sake of the people who need me.

It is an exhausting life, this.  It is a busy job, motherhood.  But it is a spell-binding, wonder-filled, laugh-inducing, beautiful, amazing journey.  And so, so, so important.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you Mama's whose daily work it is to make home a haven for those people, big and little, who enter in.  

We are world changers....watch out!  ;-)


Miranda Hupp said...

Every time I think about you and your family I get giddy inside! I am so excited for you. I am pretty sure I have told you our story about babies and my heart on the issue. Even if I didn't I know the joy you have in your heart and in some strange way I feel that joy for you! Even though I only know you online you are a household name. I promise I am NOT a stalker....haha!! Happy Mothers Day!

Unknown said...

Just lovely!!! The hand the rocks the cradle, is the hand that rules the world! :D HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO YOU TOO!!! :D I bet yours is just all more sweet because of the new little one!!! :D

Abigail said...

Happy belated, Mama!

That picture of Judah with borrowed (goldi)locks made me pause. He looks so much like Adele'!