Friday, December 04, 2015

Wedding Peek: Jonathan and Mary

My brother Jonathan got married two days after Thanksgiving.
It was a whirlwind romance and a whirlwind weekend-but one filled with beauty and joy and happiness.  The wedding was an intimate affair- with only the closest immediate family present and instructed to wear something blue!

 The wedding was done on a shoestring was but was done beautifully and tastefully.  You don't need a lot of money to make things beautiful.  Weddings are usually grown-up affairs but this one was laden with children of all ages and stages.  And best of all, everywhere you looked there were loving and personal touches.  That is the best sort of wedding, if you ask me.

This was the first wedding I felt as if I should write a thank-you note to the bride and groom.  Jonathan made necklaces for all the ladies (even the youngest ones!) and beer holders for all the men.  There were bowties for the boys and little golden jars of honey for all.  And on the way out, there was a bag of snacks for the drive home for each family!  Amazing, right?!?

Here are a few pictures of their day:

My sister Elizabeth made the cakes and cupcakes

There was lots of paparazzi everywhere! 

I was one of several people with fancy cameras asked to take photos.  Everyone else were busy taking pictures on their phones.  The Bride and Groom had no idea where to be looking most of the time.  I love this shot of  them, slightly overwhelmed and not knowing where to look.  :-)

Jonathan made the wedding rings himself and a leather bracelet for Mary that said BREATHE.  Sweetness.

Adele' made sure I understood that her skirt must be VERY twirly.  Here she is testing it out.
Me and My Peeps
This is the wedding gift we gave to Jonathan and Mary.  I woodburned a tree with the initials etched in it on a cutting board.  I thought it a brilliant idea before I realized it was harder than it looked!  Thankfully (and despite being rushed because I waited for the last minute.  Surprise, surprise!), it turned out pretty darn good for a first try.  I hope to pursue this a bit more in the future.  I could have fun with it, I think!
My sister took a family picture of us for me toward the end of the party.   As you can see, Tiddle is growing nice and plump these days.  (Mama, too!)  I like this picture particularly because Matt is actually SMILING in it.  He pretty much never smiles in pictures.  A picture showing Mattie teeth is a real score!  Thanks, Elizabeth!

I include this one as well to show more of the dress and skirt I made for the girls.  Pardon the lack of ironing on Adele's hem...I finished it just before midnight and the last bit of ironing must have slipped my mind.  I also happen to adore how much Judah looks like a little dutch boy in this picture.  

Beautiful bride.  Beautiful couple. Beautiful day.

May the Lord bless your marriage and draw you both, hand in hand, closer to Him every day of your lives.  Love you!


  1. Gorgeous blue,my favorite color! What a lovely couple,and how sweet your brother made the wedding rings and bracelet! The cutting board and your wood burning art is gorgeous too! What a great gift! Christina

  2. I love their rings! I really like it when people make their wedding day their own...I wish I had done that more with mine...instead of just following every "suppose to have" from culture at a wedding. Your cutting board is just BEAUTIFUL!

  3. What a beautiful couple! I looked seeing your family photo too!

  4. Love Your Photos. they are lovely even if you didn't have eyes directed at you much!! :) Thanks for the Peek! :)

  5. Lovely wedding! You all look beautiful in your wedding frocks. Great job on the dress and skirt. Beautiful family!

  6. Lovely pictures of the day! If this is a peek, how many did you take? Thanks for sharing the day with us.

  7. Mrs. B~ There are over 100 photos documenting the day- and those are only the ones that 'turned out'- I took over 200 in total. So yes- I showed MUCH restraint in posting just these, though it hardly seems like it! :-)

  8. This looks like a lovely event!!

  9. Absolutely beautiful! If this is where I think it is, I was there taking a hike about a month ago!!

  10. You have a TRULY BEAUTIFUL family, Rebecca. :) You look so pretty!

    My hubby and I had a destination wedding (we just wanted a really nice honeymoon!) but if I had had a "real" wedding, I hope it would've looked similar to this one--I LOVE IT. My husband actually made our rings too. (maybe I should blog about it?) Anyway, beautiful pics!

  11. I think they created such a beautiful wedding! They look so happy, too. May God center them strong and sure and give them many joyful years together.


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