A yarn along of the day late and a dollar short variety...
Deconstructing Penguins by Lawrence Goldstone and Nancy Goldstone. A really great book about how to discuss books with children and how to discover together the story underneath the story. How to be a book detective or a story sleuth. I am finding it both interesting and inspiring. And a bit convicting too, since the chapter book read-alouds haven't happened in quite some time around here.
I was searching for something in every nook and cranny that holds crafts the other day when I went peeking into the cotton yarn basket and saw a bunch of not-quite-done projects. A few bowties and a few bibs and a few bands that I *believe* were supposed to be shirts for Corynn. Now, I guess they will be shirts for Adele'. Unless I set them aside again- in that case, Ineke. I started those bibs waaaay back when for a certain Judahbear and thought "I know! I should make a bunch to sell on Etsy!" ha. ha ha ha.
Good news is...I know a certain little girl who could benefit from a few new bibs. I do think they need to be dolled up a bit though...