What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Around Hopestead

The main garden two weeks ago

The main garden on Saturday

Thanks, all, for your many well wishes for my surprise appendectomy.  Indeed, I am back up and running now and feeling quite well.  I am surprised how little I was on the computer while semi-laid up and supposed to be resting.  That would have seemed a perfect time for blogging but, as is evidenced by the lack of noise on this blog, you and I both know that didn't happen.  The porch, you see, was calling to me.  I would sit out there among the birds and flowers and the breezes (we don't have air-conditioning, you know) and I would convalesce.  The porch is the best place to keep an eye out for children as these days they don't stay in the house for very many minutes of the day and when they are out, they scatter to the four winds.  I am pretty sure I did nothing of substance for a good three days except crochet oodles of dishclothes for the kind people who brought us snacks, meals or flowers.  I used up plenty of cotton yarn remnants!  The porch was a perfect place to rest all except for one bit...

The children wave at every car that passes by, which means the cars have begun to look around for us as they pass, which means everyone who passes by always looks up onto the porch to see if there is anyone there.  This is a bit embarrassing for a girl laid up for a day or two- out in the open.  I did wonder about the people passing by the house- what they must have thought of me sitting out on the porch when they went past in the morning and when I was still there again in the afternoon.   A road crew was working our road on one of those days, the men driving back and forth, back and forth, all day long.  They waved every time they passed and I did too... but inwardly I groaned and thought how it must look to them- a girl sitting on the porch and doing nothing every time they passed by.  I felt I should paint a sign in big bold letters I AM NOT LAZY, I AM CONVALESCING.  

The garden has gone crazy- but in a good way.  The children and I are keeping on top of the weeds and garden chores better this year than ever (45 minutes right after breakfast and chores) and they look beautiful.  The first picture with little baby tomato bushes, taken a few weeks ago, look nothing like that now.  The tomato plants have reached the top of the wire fencing at this point and Matt got to taste the first ripe tomato just this week...a little orange cherry.  I am so looking forward to those first delicious bites of garden tomato- and judging by all the little green orbs dangling down, it shouldn't be long.  Along with the lone tomato, we've harvested quite a few zucchini, a few hot peppers, garlic scapes, radishes, kale, swiss chard, chamomile flowers, basil, dill, yarrow and beet greens.

A little tidbit- if you procrastinate long enough on thinning the beets- you'll get baby beets to eat with supper instead of just greens.  Pairing those delicious baby beets with homemade feta.  Nuthin' betta.

My flower circle is looking pretty sad right now- many of the flowers bloomed prematurely due to the heat and the plants look haggard and old because of the lack of rain.  Rain, or lack thereof, seems to be a topic of discussion around here lately.  Drought is whispered.  Heads shake, and people have begun checking their well levels and springs.  I know of a couple of families that had to move in with relatives because their wells have run dry.  I haven't watered the gardens or flower circles because people and animals are a priority here- but everyday I wonder how much longer we have until rain.  A cow drinks a lot of water.  Four cows drink even more.  And cooking, drinking, washing, and laundry for a family of seven takes a fair amount of water too.  So the flower circle stays parched and I (and our neighbors) pray for rain.

I have a ton of photos on my camera~ I hope to be a more regular visitor to my own blog in these coming weeks.  A watermelon eating baby, summer swims, blooms and blossoms in every room and the delicious feasts of summer.  Lots of beauty these days, lots of abundant living.  It's so, so good.


debbie said...

rained buckets in this part of our state

Lilyofthevalley - Tanya said...

I hope you got rain, we got some much needed rain last night.

I'm glad you are recovering nicely and LOL about the mom on the porch that has lots of time to just sit and do nothing!

I love the 45 minutes in the garden, we've been busy keeping ours up too, and it's looking beautiful. But my house shows neglect! I should limit my time out there sometimes, just so my house stays nice too. LOL

Megan @ Purple Dancing Dahlias said...

We finally got rain here, 9" in a couple of days. Our driveway and barn yard look more like a pond than anything else but my pastures and gardens are loving it.

Depending on what you use for laundry detergent/soap, can you catch washing machine/hand washing water and re-use it to water the gardens?

marthahelen said...

OH! Now that I've come over to visit your blog I realize I have stopped by before via Ginny's yarn along and have loved your space here and your creations! I've tried to comment before but have had difficulty commenting on the "blogger.com" platform for some reason. Anyway, just wanted to say hi, friend!
Martha (From everythinghegives.com)

Stefanie said...

The construction guys were probably just looking at the pretty woman on the porch. I doubt they thought you lazy!
I'm so glad you rested. Wonderful pictures, thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

So I know that no home is perfect...but yours seems pretty close. :) Absolutely gorgeous

Unknown said...

So glad you convalesed and are feeling better:). Your photos are absolutely beautiful!:) Christina

Unknown said...

So glad you convalesed and are feeling better:). Your photos are absolutely beautiful!:) Christina

Unknown said...

Oh my. So glad you are ok. I came over to be inspired by beauty and YOU.DID.NOT.DISAPPOINT. girl! :D Love your photos, garden, and crafting. Bless you, Rebecca!

Rebecca said...

Debbie- here's hoping!

Tanya- if only my limited timed garden work meant I HAD a clean house...

Megan- funny, the day before you wrote that I began catching water from the sink to water flowers with. I am kicking myself for not thinking of it sooner- I was so surprised by how much water one wastes when washing hands/brushing teeth/rinsing dishes/etc!

Martha- thanks so much for popping by! So glad you did!

Stephanie- I only wish that were the case. I can tell you I was nothing of the sort!

Alyssa- I can assure you it isn't even close. Not even a single room of it. Honestly, the levels and breadth of the mess can be astonishing at (almost all) times!

Christina~ thanks so much!

Amy- I am pretty sure your tank is FULL of it if, as I suspect, you are home again from your amazing trip to England. I can only imagine the beauty you beheld. Hope you share some with me too!

Precious People Preschool said...

When we lived in the country we always ran the gray water to the yard.
IT truley is amazing how much just goes down the drain. That way it did not fill up the septic. Lovely blog :) blessings Patti