Thursday, June 28, 2018

A Dutch Girl Goes to Holland: The Botanical Gardens and Visiting the Relatives

Bert and Afke

In Tante Nell's orchid-lined apartment.  Many a window in Holland were lined with orchids.

Tante Nell, my Oma's sister.
I love how Tante Nell had doilies and lace on her walker tray.  How very regal.

bottom photo of Nell as a young Mama with a few of her children

Opa van Esch- the photo on his desk is of his wife and their girl, my Oma!  I have a copy of that very photo!  

Hans and Idelette

Jan and Tine

Jan and Fred

I loved this photo of Tante Nell's children.  I am amazed to find that Tine (far right in the photo) and I could have been identical twins as children.  That is exactly what my childhood photos looked like!!!  Except I towered over everyone I stood next to! :-)

A photo of my Oma with my Mom (the baby) and her three big brothers

Some (not all) of the siblings/cousins together with Tante Nell 
I am so sad not to have taken a photo of Juul and Ben together!  They were so kind and wonderful to us!  Juul peeks at me in the black shirt- center of the photo- and her husband Ben is second from the right in the back row.  

I include this one because seeing Fred giggle makes me smile every time.  I love this picture!
And then I go and photobomb it!  What a third wheel!


Before parting ways
and I photobomb again!


  1. It looks like you had a wonderful time. Glad you were able to go and enjoy yourself. Keeping ties with your roots is important. Look at all that you can now share with your own kids. The butterfly pictures are beautiful. You could make a book out of them.

  2. Anonymous12:37 PM

    You need to photo bomb more. Your presence is not just behind the camera just because you take a good picture. These particular group of people at this time may never meet again all together. So photobomb often , more and make it a habit !

    Is love of flowers genetic ? If so I see where you get it from.

    Roots are important Rebecca. While your home and way of life is important, it is also very important to know the culture you are from. Who you are and who you are was formed by people an ocean away. Who knows how many of your kids or grand kids may ever get to go ? But you went and since you are a story teller I know you will document it in your unique way. So take time to document this before you forget. Sacrifice time in your garden if you must. I may sound blasphemous by saying it, but history, roots are as important if not more for identity and family ties more than organic food.

    So make the time to document your memories. Write it down. Record yourself if you cannot. You give your kids roots, not just wings.

    Sorry for the lecture apologize if I came on strong.

  3. I am swooning over that tree. Really, just yearning to climb it!

    What a perfect day for you-- the sublime combination of flowers, butterflies, and a deep, rich heritage. What a gift to meet Tante Nell, especially, and to thumb through those precious photographs. (Looking at Tante Nell, I see that you come by your class honestly. What a lady!)

  4. What a wonderful experience to meet all of these relatives, Rebecca! Gorgeous photos.


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