Friday, December 14, 2018

Two Hands Full

If you want to take a picture of the birthday girl...

and a boy sees, he will jump right in.  If he jumps right in, another girl will see...

and will need to jump in too.

She was overwhelmed at her good fortune to receive 60 large white eggs for her gift.  ha! 

She did NOT receive 60 large white eggs for a gift.

A few days before Thanksgiving, Adele added another finger to her age- making her two whole hands full now.  

10 years we have had with her- and what a gift to us she is.  

She asked for meatloaf and mashed potatoes for her birthday dinner and FUNNEL CAKE for dessert (atta' girl!) which made for a delicious day.  Among other gifts (including TWO sparkle pillows!), I crocheted her a hat and shrug.  The shrug was just made up but the hat pattern comes from here.  

Best of all, she broke her birthday curse.  No broken bones this year!  

May the Lord grow you to be ever more lovely and good in all the days He gives you, girlie.  We love you.


  1. She looks so beautiful in that gorgeous new hat!! Sounds like she had a wonderful birthday!!! :)

  2. So grown up and Happy Birthday!

  3. I really like and appreciate your post.Thanks Again. Keep writing.


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