Monday, March 04, 2019

O Happy Day

The happiest day of the week:  Library day.


  1. When my kids were little they would always take out the max allowed, 25 books each. We would go every week. Now they all drive and go on their own. They always drop stuff off for me which is great. We love the library. We are known to stop at libraries while on vacation. We have seen some beautiful ones.

  2. My two small people have been asking to go back to the library recently -- or at least, the one who can talk has. It was something my mom did with my sibs and I; and both my children are avid "readers", even at ages 1 and 2. The apple doesn't fall far... Need to get back into it. Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Anonymous1:05 PM

    These books are exactly what my almost 14 year old would have chosen! In fact, today is our library day and I’m hoping it works out for us to easy for me to put it off! PS. Would Corynn like a pen pal? My daughter would love to write to her. They seem to have a ton in common. My email is if she would be interested and to find out more info...check out my blog if ya want to see that we aren’t weirdos (on most days! Haha)! :) Love the little cutie at the bottom! Great job on her three year old birthday handmade outfits!


  4. That's a hearty stack of books and includes a few personal favorites. I just re-read Til We Have Faces last month! Like Godric, I have to read it every so often to fill up empty spaces.Has Corynn finished Jonathon Strange and Mr. Norrell? I have a copy on my bedroom bookshelf she can borrow anytime. Way to go, Corynn! And Ineke. Starting 'em young. :)

  5. Monica- it's a bit late of a response but I will pass along the info to Corynn. I know for a fact she is always eager for a new penpal! The girl would love a letter in her mailbox every day if she could.

  6. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Sounds good! My daughter is the exact same way! :)


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