Thursday, May 02, 2019


Our Easter weekend was a FULL one.  We were invited to TWO different places on TWO different days.  That meant no Easter feast for me to prepare single-handedly!

It also meant making two double batches of cream puffs.  (Oh darn.  Cream puffs.)

Saturday was heading to Jonathan and Mary's house (my bro and sis-in-law): a small house on the side of a hill.  It was brave of them to invite not only our big family, but all the big families on the Cantrell side.  That's a lot of people all added up!  

  But they are great hosts and great cooks and it was a great time.

Though the forecast called for rain, we were able to eat (and play) outside the entire time without getting wet!  

(Unless, of course, you are INSANE and decided to play in the freezing cold creek almost stark naked.  a-hem.)

(The smaller pictures were taken by Mary)

The Hosts' with the Mosts

That's my Mom

That's my Dad

That's a girl who maybe regretted swimming in the cold creek for so long

And on Easter Sunday, we headed down the road a bit to John and Holly's (Matt's brother and sister in law) for the afternoon.  Again- rain in the forecast but despite some gray looming clouds, nary a drop was felt.

That's Matt's parents with their grands (minus Cricket, for now!)

That's Holly's parents, who love on our children frequently.

And them, with their real grands

John and Holly and their peeps

Andrew would find eggs and then take out the goodies and put mud in its' place.  This is what Ineke thought of THAT.

the loot

I loved how she would gather up her skirt as she went hunting for eggs.  What a lady.
I am seriously jealous of all the gorgeous Easter family pictures that blew up on social media right after Easter.  I didn't even think to do that!  And poor Cricket, with his/her impressively large wombspace, didn't get a bit of recognition.

I think I am losing my touch.

1 comment:

  1. love these photos (and your always engaging style of narration and captioning!) but am so eager to see a glimpse of you+cricket! all the best ~


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