Thursday, September 05, 2019

Cricket has Come

He missed sharing a birthday with his brother and sister by six hours...

but Cricket finally introduced himself to us!

He was born on September 3rd at 5:50am, less than two hours after arriving at the hospital.

It began with blood on the bathroom floor, followed by a frantic and worried drive to the hospital, an agonizing labor and transition with me reading, singing (and eventually screaming) scripture memory songs of deliverance and ended with me pushing Cricket out in one single, impossible push- tracing the tip of his head, his neck, shoulders, back, down to his toes with my very own fingers.  I was and will always be the first to touch Cricket- from the tip of his head to his teensy toes- and the first thing he ever felt in this world.

What a gift.

This pregnancy has had its' trials; gestational diabetes and blood platelet concerns and things that filled me with anxiety and fears but the Lord sustained and delivered me out of trouble at the very time He graciously sustained and delivered my precious boy.


Moses Matthew Newman... 

our newest pride and joy.

Born September 3rd at 5:50 am

8 pounds, 9 ounces
20.5 inches

A squeaky mouse of a thing and

every inch of him, just the sweetest

“The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.”   ~ Psalm 34: 17

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. ~ Phillipians 4:6-7

I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
 Isaiah 41:10


  1. Congratulations. He is beautiful. Try to get some rest.

  2. Congratulations! So happy for you and Matt, and your family. Welcome to the world Moses Matthew!

  3. Oh, yay, yay, YAY! There's nothing like not being pregnant. That's what I think, right there. ;)
    Hello, to the best thing in the world.

  4. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is PRECIOUS. LOVE his name! Annie says congrats too as Corynn had mentioned him to her!

  5. Blessings to you and your new baby!!! Such a precious gift. Love the photos, Papa looks so proud. You look beautiful and baby is just adorable.

  6. Praise God!

    Joining you in thankfulness for God's protection instead of What Might Have Been. Having no babe of my own to whom I owe a mother's bias, I can say with no hesitation that he is the most beautiful newborn! (Thank goodness, Peregrine is 3 months and officially out of the running; otherwise, I'd be in trouble.)

    I LOVE his name, and we all exclaimed over how handsome he is, but Annika especially is stricken by it. Apart from Moses, she's never seen an objectively handsome baby, though they're all cute.

    Fun facts you do not care about but which may come in handy for a future wedding slideshow:
    1. Skylark was born at 5:30 a.m.
    2. Skylark was only 4 oz. shy of Moses.
    3. Skylark was also 20 1/2 inches long.
    4. Luke is 3 years younger than Jae Ryong, as is my Uncle Steve from my Aunt Carol, so a 2-year gap is totally fine.


    These pictures of you and Matt with him are sweet and precious. What a gift, indeed. We all rejoice with you on the safe arrival of Moses Matthew, and we can't wait to smush him (gently, very gently) on Sunday!

  7. I AM THAT I AM hath sent him to us!! God be praised!!

  8. Congratulations! What an absolutely beautiful addition to your family. Prayers for a smooth recovery, continued good health for you and your little boy and a sweet transition at home...and for rest.

  9. S Kloesel9:50 AM

    Congratulations!! He is perfect and you and Matt are both GLOWING!! Just beautiful! :)

  10. Oh, what wonderful news!! I'm so happy for you! He is indeed a handsome child, and abundantly blessed to be entrusted to such a family as yours. I'm guessing your older children are thrilled that he's here! May your adjustment be sweet and smooth. :)

  11. Aww...What a cute boy. I am glad he came, and I like his name a lot. My nephew's middle name is Moses.

  12. So happy for you Rebecca! Moses - what a great name. Yes the Lord carries us through, and want a joy now! Bless you and Moses. I know you’ll enjoy his time as a newborn

  13. He's absolutely beautiful! Conratulations!! These long awaited and hoped for babies are extra precious.

  14. Congratulations! He's a lovely boy and very blessed to come into your family.

  15. Welcome to your new baby, and good job momma.

  16. Many congratulations on the safe arrival of your precious son. Welcome to the world little Moses xxx

  17. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! He looks like his Dad.

  18. Congratulations! What a beautiful little guy! You are blessed!


  19. thrilled for you all!!! happiest days ~

  20. Congratulations again and again over your beautiful precious Moses.. He truly is a gift and treasure <3 As my maybe has turned to no yet again, I recognize a gift from God when I see it and Moses is just that <3

  21. Many congratulations. He is edible. Love his name. Wishing you at least a 3 hour stretch of sleep!

  22. Congratulations! So, so happy for you! ❤️

  23. God bless Moses and his entire family. So happy for you all.

  24. Amazing.. out of the waters you drew him. What a precious little bundle and what a gift to have him healthy and in arms. Good job, strong faith-filled momma! Congratulations to all. Enjoy those newborn snuggles.


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