Thursday, March 12, 2020

TBT: She's Artsy

At one point in the blogging scene, I remember seeing something called "Throwback Thursday".  This was years ago.  I don't know exactly what it was about or if it is still a thing...but it is going to be for me!   I only seem to manage blogging when Matt is out of town and I am staying up way too late with insomnia which means I don't blog my photos which means I am backlogged with photos which means I don't really want to take MORE photos just to get more behind.  You see my problem, right?

I think I figured out a solution to the dilemma.

 I am going to institute my own sort of "Throwback Thursday" here on the blog until I get caught up.  Not sure how long it will take...maybe not long.  But here's your notice.
 If you don't want to see outdated fall leaves in the spring or Christmas lights in March, I'd suggest avoiding a visit on a Thursday.  ;-)


So this girl of mine has "artsy" running through her veins.  It is a part of who she is.  Creating some sort of art is part of her daily routine...from the doodles of her algebra page to the canvases on her wall.

Around Christmas, her project-making goes into overdrive.

Lots of presents to make!  Lots of presents to give!

Not only for giving, this year was year two of setting up a craft table with her gal pals on Black Friday.  AND she even had a few special orders.

Busy gal.

She took pictures of her stuff so that she could remember the things she made even after they were gone.  So, here they are.  For my girl.

First special order:  she drew Moses' name for our kiddo Christmas exchange.   I *MAY* have steered her towards a little art canvas for him.

Here are some of her other crafty endeavors in December, some to sell, some to give.

These were sticker bookplates

And here are the talented crew at the Black Friday craft show.  GIRL POWER!

There is a lot of talent squished back behind that table...

                                                       PS.  Amazing venue, no?


  1. I'm gonna love Thursdays! Your sweet daughter has a great developing talent, I hope you continues and goes far with it. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh my--the talent!! I see a children's book illustrator in her. I look forward to seeing her work in the future. Thanks for sharing.

  3. What?! I wish I could paint like that. : ) She really is good. I enjoy seeing other art-lovers' art.

  4. She reminds me of me (Sorry Rebecca, she's like you also of course! but I think there is a little of Auntie Beth in there..) ;) I remember taking my drawing pad and doll magazine on vacation and passing the time just drawing all the pretty dolls that I could. She's quite the artist already, I can't wait to see how much more of an artist she will be and we personally LOVE the gifts she painted for us so very much!!! <3

  5. wow!!! gorgeous!

  6. Love this girl AND her talent!
    It is so much fun to see what she creates. Looking forward to years of it! :)


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