Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Riot that Wasn't


We do a weird thing with tax returns.  We tithe 10%, not to the local church, but to the church at Christian organizations, Christian businesses or Christian people.  And often- we have a ton of fun doing it.

This year, part of that tithe involved buying the movie showing bundle, renting a movie theater and inviting 100 people to come and watch The Riot and the Dance: WATER with us AT THE MOVIES!!!  (Not very selfless, I know.)

We bought edible sharks and fishes of all kinds and pouches of drink with surfers on it.  The day before the big event, we loaded snack bags and stuck ocean creature stickers on 'em. 

And then two hours later- NY closed down all non-essential businesses and prohibited gatherings of 50 people or more.

Now, I have dozens of bags of snacks (that will likely go stale) before we can ever share 'em.  Not sure what to do about that.  Those sharks ain't cheap!  (And who wants 10 pounds of gummy creatures swimming around their middle?)

Curses!  Curses upon your head, Corona!


  1. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Awww, that is awful. I immediately thought road trip to PA, except they'll probably close the interstate next, and then you'd be stuck with us, and we'd be stuck with 10# of gummy creatures swimming around OUR middle. Sigh. These are strange times in which we live. Praying you find a good home for them and an unexpected blessing along the way.

  2. Anonymous4:27 PM

    That stinks! You have the neatest ideas! That would’ve been super cool! I hope it’s something you could do later on if possible? Or did you lose your rent time/money? The snack would probably still be okay surprisingly. :)

  3. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Could you show it at your house? We actually use a big dry erase board propped up on our buck stove and watch cool movies with my husband’s work projector. With a Bluetooth speaker, it’s almost, almost like you’re at the movies! You could invite small groups at different nights? Or would anyone come? 👀

  4. So sorry it had to be cancelled. Stick those gummies in a mason jar and they will stay fresh for awhile and for future use :) Stay healthy and have a blessed day!

  5. the best laid plans... ah well. In our area most towns have locations where school aged kids can get breakfast and lunch free (grab & go meals), due to the fact that many kids rely on the schools for meals. Can you offer those goodie bags to such a place as an extra in the grab & go lunches? I'm sure it will brighten the day for many kiddos.

  6. That is terrible. And such a good idea too! Way to think big. ;)
    Hopefully your children, like mine, have the capacity to eat their weight in gummies.

  7. Boo.



    We have just gotten over moaning about missing this. Lord willing, He will bring us all through on the other side, and we can enjoy the commonplace blessing of fellowship (with gummies!) again.

    p.s. LOVE that chalkboard! If Corynn did it, well done. If YOU did it, just label yourself the original artist of the house already!

    Until the girls told me differently, I actually thought you had drawn the illustration for the baby shower invite, because it reminded me of drawing I saw of yours yeeeeeears ago. Corynn shares your genes, for sure!

  8. p.P.s.

    I suppose it could stand as a "post script script," though.

  9. Thankfully...

    #1. it was a pay-the-day sort of deal, so we aren't out the rental fee. It can be postponed.

    #2. Gummies last forever so they will likely last until movie day. Because they are JUNK.

    #3. Our friends don't mind that I was going to/am planning to SERVE them JUNK.

    #4. We have MAJOR popcorn and fish cracker snack options during this time of no-grocery shopping. Things we almost NEVER have. Lucky kiddos!


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