Thursday, December 10, 2020

Sunny Boy

 Speaking of friends and babies... 

I threw a little baby shower for my friend Abby and her womb baby one afternoon after church.

Because I am of the opinion that 10th babies are as marvelous as first babies.

Sunny or Sunbeam, as the baby was nicknamed, was due just a week or two later.

Naturally, the nickname made a theme pretty straightforward.  

I couldn't believe that I still had chamomile and russian sage to fill in and round out bouquets of yellow, even into November.   What a remarkable year.

My friend is so lovely.  (And the little snitchers in the background are funny.)  

Turns out, Sunny was a BOY all along, and a pretty marvelous one!  

God is good to give a sunshine boy to this world of shadows.  


  1. You do everything so beautifully Rebecca!

  2. You are absolutely correct--a tenth baby is just as special as a first! My mom was #12 of 15. Your creativity is wonderful, thanks for sharing.

  3. THANK YOU! I laughed out loud reading your opening sentences. Earlier this week, I wrote you a thank you note to deliver on Sunday, and in it I wrote my gratitude for people who know that a tenth baby is just as much a wonder as a first baby. And you do! Thank you for that. It is a gift all by itself to have Newman-chums who fully rejoice with us for a new life.

    The shower was beautiful and perfect, and we felt (and are) so loved. May God heap blessings in return upon you!

    p.s. I need-- yes, NEED-- the recipe for those lemon crinkle cookies. The first bite solidly hooked me!

    p.p.s. I think I look like I'm in the beginning stages of labor in that first picture. I wasn't. ;)

  4. p.p.p.s. Lark and Ineke look like sisters in that first picture! Twin furies, twin towers of mischief, twin dears. :)

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