Thursday, April 15, 2021

My Peanut

Andrew celebrated his 15th birthday a few days before Easter with a simple request of calzones, Doritos, funnel cake and staying up late to watch the movie Jurassic World.

He also requested an almost $200 crazy expensive Spotify watch but ain't no way that was happening (and he knew it!).

Thankfully, he is the sort of guy to be just as happy with a carb filled movie night.

The best gifts this year were from friends (the last three photos)-one even came in the mail!- and it is clear they know exactly what makes the boy tick.

He asked me later in the day why I kept taking pictures of him all day long....but doesn't a mother have a right to be sentimental about her boy?  He is growing before my very eyes and I love it and I hate it at the same time.  I want to see what is in store for him and also simultaneously to freeze time.   I am so proud of the man he is becoming and I love the boy he will always be.  

Grow those muscles, do!  And use them well for the glory of God.  

Your Mama loves you.  (And your Papa.)


  1. What a totally wonderful young man! They do grow up fast, but they just keep getting better. I enjoy having my adult sons visit because it's so great to see the fruits of all my labors.

  2. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Do you believe in arranged marriages? ��������

  3. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Really, Happy Birthday, Andrew! You’ve grown into a fine young man! (Yes, I’ve been reading since he was small!)
    XO, Monica

  4. Happy Birthday, Andrew! God's blessings on your next year!

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  6. Happy late birthday! May God continue to grow your Peanut into godly manhood.

    [p.s. We are relieved his muscles are not quite large enough to destroy the shirt immediately upon flexing. Give it time. ;) ]


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