Thursday, May 04, 2023


There was candy and JUICE on the table for breakfast and hanging hanky garlands~ it must be Easter!

Funny how quickly children come to the table when there is candy on it.  ;-)

It looks like Ineke and Moses are trying to decide what those rolls were supposed to be... no one realized they were supposed to be rabbits with candy cottontails until I told them.  

Ah well.  You win some, you lose some.

After a yummy breakfast and church, we made our way to John and Holly's house for an Easter gathering...

Along with an egg hunt for candy for Littles and an egg hunt for MONEY for Biggles, Aunt Holly had a special activity for the little girls involving a treasure map.

(Clearly Aunt Holly is THE BEST.)

I love this next series of photos because you can follow Ineke's disbelief of her good fortune.

 "Is this really happening?"

The cutest house basket purses ever!  And filled with candy, to boot.  

Before the party, I had hidden, down the road and in plain view, Easter bags for each child- will they find them?  

They will, indeed.

Don't get too close!  These lovely ladies have a fierce defender/protector waiting in the wings.

Our lovely hosts!

I am particularly proud of this year's Easter coordination because it all just hand me downs through the years that happened to work together the day before (or morning of) Easter... even Adele's and my exact same dresses came to us separately.  A bit of Jones, a bit of Owen, a bit of Reigle (with some rummage sale and shower curtain thrown in for good measure) represented here- hand me downs are the best.


  1. I can't believe how grown-up your children are! I started reading your blog when Andrew was just a little tike!

  2. Looks like an amazing Easter!! Two things...I have that exact same dress that you and Adele are wearing! Secondly, with Andrew standing like he is, it looks like the upper half of his body is floating! Hahaha

  3. I almost did recognize Andrew such a handsome young man love your posts and look forward to them

  4. This makes me happy. Beautiful family! Beautiful duds. Beautiful day. (And, man, those pictures of Cece and Ineke make my heart melt. Two sweet, winsome girls at one time is too much to handle.)

    p.s. The bunny rolls are CLEARLY bunnies. Annika made those one Easter, but we just used dough for the puff tails. Yours are much more obviously bunnies!


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