Monday, September 11, 2023

So Corny

Moses was a big strong man, husking the corn.  

I love it when children "playing" equals actual help.  

 Moses napping sideways.

I *FINALLY* changed the chalkboard after over 4 months.

And in one (half) day, Ineke memorized the new verse!

Corynn's ringlets made me swoon

I cut a lot of bad spots out of neglected tomatoes

Adele' refused to look at the camera (and husked like a dainty, strong woman)

The highlight of Moses' day happened... milking time.

Andrew had such a killer outfit, he deserves to be highlighted twice.

What a homeschooler.

Pulled pork melts and corn on the cob

 ~ Reading aloud before bed (and yes, under a blanket)

And lots more corn to tackle before I sleep


  1. Busy busy! Your last line reminded me of this Robert Frost poem.

  2. What lovely bounty from your garden!

  3. Pulled pork melts


Whatdya Think?