Friday, October 13, 2023

Operation DIY Wedding Flowers

Adele' looks pretty shady and suspicious here- but I promise, I asked permission beforehand!

 Operation Wedding Flowers
is under way.

I would have preferred making large and lavish bouquets of things blooming right outside the door for a DIY wedding... but as far as I am aware, a whole lot of NOTHING blooms in the end of December.  

Corynn loves dried flowers so the plan is:   use LOTS of scavenged greenery (a-hem, Christmas tree scraps), supplement with all the free (or dirt cheap) dried flowers we can find and add a small selection of fresh flowers for accent/statement flowers.

I spend more time than I should these days wondering how this flower would look dried- or maybe that roadside weed?  How would marigolds fare? I even cut a bunch of echinacea cones and beebalm seed heads to see if they might mimic blue thistle flowers if I painted them with a tinge of blue...) I have no idea what I am doing or it if will work.  If it doesn't work, it doesn't work... but what am I out?  Nothing.  But if it does... well, aren't I clever?!

Someone-who-shall-remain-nameless-because-we-found-out-too-late-that-it-is-illegal-to-do-so, cut some pretty fronds of dune grass when they were at the beach, thinking they would be a nice addition to our stash of dried florals.  (They are.  And SUPER thoughtful of said person.  But they are also illegal to cut so... I would hate for a police raid to interrupt the wedding ceremony because someone caught wind of the dune grass. Hmmm.  It's a pickle.)

The girls and I have been pruning all the hydrangea plants of the neighborhood (okay- maybe just Aunt Holly's.)  Now they sit in the Granary awaiting their time to shine.  (I knew I worked on cleaning that upstairs out for a reason.)

And then one day last week we made a trip out to Corynn's work, which is all about the pretty dried florals and picked up two bouquets of dried flowers for $8.00/piece with her store discount.  We will probably get 4 more when there is a nicer selection but it made for a fun afternoon trip together.

Now pardon me... I have to find someone who will let me prune their pampas grass.  ;-)

I'll leave you with a picture of Ineke behind the sign Andrew built and Corynn painted as a commission for the store...


  1. I'm watching these posts with interest because my daughter is getting married at the end of August. Weddings are expensive so looking for ways to cut corners.

  2. You idea sounds wonderful and with you creative talents, I’m sure it will be gorgeous!

  3. Monica7:07 AM

    I can’t wait to see what THE Rebecca Newman comes up with for this grand celebration! :) The flower arranging queen, in my opinion. We are so happy for corynn and sure wish we lived closer to participate in some way in this God-ordained meshing of two hearts. We will be over here feverishly hanging on to every detail. :)))) Love, Monica


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