Monday, July 15, 2024

My Little Panda

 Andrew was delivered at midnight to begin a commute into NYC to catch a flight to Idaho in order to attend a week-long Christian conference there with two other, younger guys.  This will be his first time flying (where he will remember the experience) and he'll have to navigate the whole airport experience/travelling/huge conference, not only for the first time but as the 'man in charge'.

The whole thing has got this Mama feeling nostalgic and sentimental about the little Panda that is almost all grown up.

All of this made me think that I have not yet posted his 18th birthday photos (from back in April) OR the photos I have taken of his cabin (I know some of you have expressed interest). 

 It seems to me that now might be just the perfect time to do so. 

I miss him already.  

Homemade donuts for dessert

Papa and the Newman men joked that he ought to give a speech, given that he was turning 18.  In true Andrew form, he took the joke and made it a reality.  

(Take note of his podium... he has an affinity both for shoes and keeping the boxes they come in.)

It was a good speech and it made me cry.  (surprise, surprise.)

Also- I was impressed with his public-speaking... even though he was addressing a room full of family- he made eye contact with everyone as he spoke, included jokes-but avoided silliness, spoke succinctly and loudly and had a commanding presence.

And he didn't have to do any of it at all.  It was a sweet moment.

He's a funny bird and enjoys making people laugh.  (As you can see here)

He also loves Haribo.

Aunt Holly and Uncle John's birthday card included a photo from a Christmas performance he did.

That too, was an idea he had, just for the pleasure of being witty, funny and charming.  

Hat tip to any who recognize the performance!! 

I love that Andrew doesn't shy away from being the center of attention but also doesn't need to be there all the time.  I love that he does not take himself too seriously but that he takes seriously other, important things.  

I love seeing the manly man that he is becoming and yet so enjoy that I can still see glimpses of the sweet, mischievous little boy shine through every now and again.  

And I am so incredibly thankful that he (with nary an eye roll or complaint) still lets me hug him long and hard when he is about to embark on yet another grand adventure.  

In fact, he hugs back.


  1. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Looks to me y'all have raised a very impressive young man. Just what this world needs - thank you!

  2. Another success! You're a great mama. (And you chose well when you chose your husband.)

  3. I thought you were telling us his birth story :)

  4. They grow up way to fast but he will always be your boy.

  5. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Sisters sisters there were never such devoted sisters!

  6. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Aw, Andrew—becoming a man. What a handsome man and I can see the gentleman he is in the pictures. I hope he has a good time at camp and yes, I’m sure you won’t properly breathe until he steps foot back on hopestead. Monica

  7. Jo- thank you for that! Such a sweet comment!

    Rozy- You are very wise. Yes, Matt is a huge part of making these boys into men and what an man he is!

    SarahlovesTexas- well, my memory wanes these days but thankfully I wrote about it once upon a time. Here is the link:
    Or you could just peruse April 2006 to see the cute little Peanut which is what I just did. What a trip down memory lane.

    Marybeth- it's true! It's true.

    Well done, Anonymous! You are our kind of people! ;-)

    Monica- three more days! I miss him!


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