Thursday, November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving

Sweet moments.  Beauty.  Comforts.  Blessings.  Abundance.  Warmth.  Health.  Love.  Kindness.  Children.  Laughter.  

Gratitude and thanksgiving comes so easily with the likes of these.  But what if yours is a season like Jobs?  What if your life is full of affliction, disappointments and despair?  What if the darkness seems to drown out the light?  Is there thanksgiving even in the dark?  Is gratitude even there, at the bottom of the pit?

I am learning that, yes, there can be gratitude even there.  There MUST be.

This Thanksgiving, alongside all the glorious goodness the Lord has heaped upon my life, I am also giving thanks for...

the afflictions in my life.

They remind me that I am wholly dependent upon God's mercy.  In my own sanctification.  In mothering.  In the lives of my children.  It is far too easy to forget how full of sin and misery we are without His grace.  

They tear down my idols.  Somewhere along the line, I unknowingly began to believe that it was by my own merit, my own good mothering, my own selflessness, my own wisdom, my own protection, my own efforts that I would create a peaceful and holy bubble in which the sins of this world could not enter.  By my will alone!  I have created idols of myself, my husband, my children, my friends; no less ludicrous than dumb statues or golden calves.

They remind me that my brightest accomplishments are like dross.  They remind me that nothing good comes from my own hand, but simply by the Grace of God.

They draw me close to the Lord in prayer.  

They shine a light on my need for repentance.

As Thomas Watson said "God makes adversity our university and affliction our preacher."  The Lord  uses afflictions to instruct.

for the suffering...

It purifies me.

It refines me.

It reminds me that my Father is a Comforter.  I cry out to Him.

It reminds me that this world is not my home and there is a more glorious life to come.

It shouts with a megaphone over the noise of this world that all is under His watchful hand.

for the separations and goodbyes.   

The goodbyes, as painful as they are, indicate that there once was togetherness.  And it was sweet.

for broken hearts.  

And for the healing that comes after. 

Whether the blessings in your life are pleasant ones or hard ones, whether the gratitude comes easily or with some practice, may your Thanksgiving be a day with eyes be wide open with the wonder of a loving God.

(Also, if you are struggling with hard providences of your own, might I suggest reading The Art of Divine Contentment by Thomas Watson?  It has been a true comfort and source of guidance for me.)


  1. Anonymous9:33 AM

    What a wise and beautiful post. Lynn, Pecos, NM

  2. Elisabeth St John9:08 PM

    I have definitely felt in the dumps lately. I have been trying so hard to be thankful even when I feel so alone. I do a lot of praying, and I am thankful for you and your blog. You've been an encouragement to me for several years now.

  3. Thank you Rebecca
    We have just lost our dearest friend and pastor. We cling on to the hope we have in Christ, and the tokens of God's love that we see in the providences He provides abundantly.
    May the Lord bless you and keep you, knowing that even in the dark times, He knows and He will not forsake you.
    With love

    1. I am sorry for your loss, Els and Falko. May the Lord comfort you in this sad time! Having a loving Father to cling to makes all the difference.

  4. Been thinking about you, and glad to see your post. I'm sorry you've found yourself with afflictions. Keep on talking to and calling out to God. He will guide you through. Hope you and your family have a blessed Christmas season. 🙏

  5. Anonymous7:43 AM

    How are you doing, dear friend? I truly love this post. Such great truth and theology in it. I have missed your postings. I hope you and everyone are okay. Sending a hug, Monica Thank you for the book recommend—I’ve heard of that one many times.

  6. Anonymous4:06 AM

    I also hope you’re okay. I’ve been reading your blog for years. Not too often so you take a long sabbatical from writing here unless something’s up. I keep praying for you that you are okay and God watches out for you,

    A from WA

  7. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Also, Merry Christmas! I hope you enjoy Christ’s birth as He gave Himself in the form of a child for us, died, and rose again to bring us life in Him. Many Blessings from my family to yours.

    Cheers, and praying for the wonderful family in rural PA.

    A in WA again :)

  8. Anonymous2:59 AM

    May God bless you bountifully, Rebecca, as you have bountifully blessed so many of us, your readers. We love you and are blessed to learn domesticity from you as you bless your household and honor God. Best wishes, as well as thoughts and prayers for you. He is with you in EVERY season, painful and pleasant seasons.


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