Thursday, January 09, 2025

Back in July

When I decided to get 'caught up' on the 'ol blog, I warned you of an avalanche coming... I hoped to be done by the first week.  A-hem.  My avalanche is more like softly floating snowflakes occasionally lighting upon your nose.  It looks more likely that I will get 'caught up' by the end of January than the end of the week.

A more apt warning to my readers might have been to prepare for whiplash.  One minute it is snowing and we are building snowmen, the next we are watching fireworks and discovering watermelon eating dogs.

There is no rhyme or reason to these posts, other than to anchor them somewhere for posterity, and for that I am sorry.

The first posts I published were unfinished posts- I thought it would be fastest and easiest to get them out of the way since they had already been started.  I realized today, however, that ONE of those posts was already published.  (I don't know why it showed up as an unpublished 'draft'.)  I'm sorry for that too.

I will, hopefully, refrain from posting duplicate posts in the future.  "Ain't nobody got time for that."

Onward, July!

Pennslvanians know how to do fireworks.

This salad was so pretty I put it on a platter instead of in a bowl.

(Adele' took the above two photos)

 Speaking of Adele'... she cut pants into shorts and decided that she would start this fashion trend rather than the ripped jeans trend. 

I wonder if it will catch on?

stock simmering

Nameless, the cat, trying to come into the kitchen

The rest of the photos are of the day Oom Arjo, visiting from the Netherlands, comes to dine on the porch.  His appearance drew Oom Hans, my parents, one of my brothers and my sister to visit our porch too.

Only missing Oom Elise and Aunt Jan and the van der Jagt siblings would be all together.  

As an aside: how perfect that we found out that he would be coming AFTER we had just painted the porch!  ;-)


  1. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Salad: YUM!!!! We all need to eat more salad, looks aside. This one does look pretty though.

    Pants: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 So funny. It’ll totally be a trend. People will say, “The newest trends start in Pennsylvania!”

    Nameless: you named a cat that?

    Dutch: all I can say is, they must all look very Dutch.

    P.S. These posts are very special for many reasons, but among them: it’s not normal to see fields and acreage and just a plain lovely farm family. Houses have become much TOO CLOSE together and suburban looking in more city-ish areas. Seeing your posts is like a breath of fresh air. Must be lovely. (And I know farms are not perfect and come with a slew of problems, but I still say it is quite a lovely way to live.)

    God bless you today,
    A in WA

  2. Thank you A! It is true, we are very blessed to live in a place where you can see land beyond buildings... though I sometimes wonder, if Matt continues to keep plunking buildings everywhere, how long it will be until our place looks like a little town!

    And yes, the cat is named Nameless. That was my idea and I am quite proud of it. (Barn cats rotate in and out more frequently than most. Farm life can be hard on cats and though we live in the country- people drive WAY too fast on our roads... we get at least a kitten or two a year to replenish the lost. I was tired of thinking of names and made a joke and it stuck. (If it makes it any better, Nameless happens to be my favorite!)

  3. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Oh, that’s so sad about your cats. I am sorry to hear that, some tears probably are shed every time. Ugh. On a bit of a bright side, you do guys do get a new kitten often enough (I know it’s sad though to think of replacing the old one- again, sorry to hear that). Our thing was dogs- a couple met tragic ends. One in particular as a puppy was hit by a car (VERY tragic day- heard about it from a neighbor- my dad and brother buried the puppy, and I couldn’t even go outside to see her. I was wailing). So yes, I hate it when pets die. Farm life (or any life) with pets is hard when they die. Above this though, far above it, is when people go. That hurts the most, of course. It’s tempting to not want to love ever again because that love could be hurt by death/taken from us, but if God has us here still, He has a good reason. We are called to be His children- and get to love one another that our joy may be full. Anyways, I rant, I rant. The kitten thing got me.

    God has us all, He knows all of our pains (our big and little ones), and He knows the sadness we see/will yet see. He is far greater than it all, and one day, He will take us to be with Him forever- away from all the pain and crying, and be with Him in everlasting joy! What boundless streams of blessings await us. For now, let’s take care of our people and cats on earth. :-)

    Blessings to your family, God is good.

    A in WA


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