We chose the hottest two days in July to repaint the porch.
Matt insisted it needed to be done. I felt it was absolutely fiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnneeee.
( I don't love painting... particularly spindles.)
Thankfully, I have helpers.
Of course, Sadie decided the most comfortable spot to lay her weary head was directly under the freshly painted railing, of all places.
The only before and after I thought to take was this one- contrasting the stair rails.
I guess it may have needed it after all.
Looking at this photo more closely, I suspect Matt will make us restain the porch flooring this summer.
We'll choose the hottest days to do it, no doubt.
Your little Moses’ face says it all. 🤣
It’s so funny how pets (dogs and cats in particular) just NEED to be right where one is working/being.
Gosh, I can barely keep up now with reading your posts! You are clearly posting almost every day and are on a posting rampage (it’s good though, it’s good). I’m getting ideas for homeschooling my future children. (Whitewashing patios during summer is an absolute MUST!) Starting first though with how to cook a good meals. Pizza is top of that homemade list which I must master. After that, canning like the women in the olden days did. There’s so much to learn. A long time ago (when still a VERY little girl), I used to dream of cooking things like those puffs Laura Ingalls mom makes (in the book “On the Banks of Plum Creek”). Well, still have yet to do that.
A in WA
It sounds like I am a lot older than you and there is still so much to learn, even now! But that makes things exciting, right?!
It truly does :)
FUN FACT: I sometimes say the exact OPPOSITE of what I mean and do not even realize I do it. I don't know why my brain short circuits this way when it does, but my safeguard is always my children who politely say... "Ummm.... Mama.... did you mean to tell Uncle John to move over instead of Judah!?"
Adele' just came to me laughing and saying that my comment to you said that you sounded OLDER than me when clearly that isn't so... but what I MEANT to say was YOUNGER, obviously... so now you know a secret thing about me that I try to keep under wraps in order to appear more normal. ;-)
Pardon my faux pas!
Oh, it’s fine. We all have embarrassing personal faux pas. In fact, I think I understood what you meant anyway. Haha. Not an issue. I’m slightly younger than you, but not by much I don’t think. Have a blessed Monday evening. May God grant you all a good rest.
A in WA
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