Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Rat



We don't buy them unless we have a fancy cheesecake to make- and then, only the generic kind.

But Grandma and Grandpa brought some over on Glupper night for a treat and I put the leftovers in the cookie tin.

Two days later, it's snack time. I say to Moses, who is making snack for all, "You may each have one of those Oreo cookies Grandma and Grandpa brought over."

A few minutes later...

"Uuuummmmmmm......  Mama.....  I think a RAT has been in our cookie tin because there are no more cookies LEFT!"  He brings the tin, wide open and cavernous, to prove his point.

A rat, indeed.  

(I suspect our rat may even have a name.)


  1. Anonymous1:08 AM


  2. Even with the missing cookies, we'd take that species of rat over the be-tailed kind any day of the week. (I know you would, too!) And good luck finding a cat big enough to catch him. ;)


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