Saturday, April 22, 2006

Wence comes the Dawn...

One cannot fathom the great comfort of resting weary bones unless they have first endured a day like today. Actually, a week like this week.

Our original plans to pack and move on Monday were pushed forward to Saturday so that Matt would have more strong arms helping.

Two days less + Short notice = a Frazzled Mama

SOMEHOW (still not sure how) I managed to pack up all our things despite my time constraints and was able to stay relatively organized in the process. I was even able to wash and line dry all my lace, linens, and draperies so that they will be ready to be put up as soon we unpack the boxes.

But then, GASP! We had no strong able bodied people to help Matt UNLOAD the truck on Monday, so this morning as yet another last minute decision, he decided to kidnap his father, John, and Holly to travel to Spruce Creek with him to help him unload. Today. Another thing yet unfathomable, is the kindness that people are willing to shower upon you in your time of need. We certainly couldn’t have done what we did without their help-and it was MORE than gracious-considering the time and work they had to put into it. They plan to return home tonight around midnight.

Speaking of kindnesses- yesterday was a day that will not be soon forgotten. Many people took time out of their schedules to bid us farewell with waves, hugs, well-wishes and...presents! QMPS gave us a pizza party farewell at lunchtime during which time they presented Corynn with her much coveted bicycle. (I made the mistake of telling her she would get one when we moved, in order to get her excited for all the coming changes. I didn’t think she would REMEMBER! But the minute I told her, no one was excluded from the sheer joy of her getting a bicycle. Not the grocery store clerk. Not the people from church. No, not even the random passerby within earshot.) Instead of a yard sale find, she got the grandest, most snazzy bike ever-complete with handlebar fringe, a basket, a helmet, and a bell!

Then, in the evening, a ‘game night’ and Pasta bar put on by Bob and Libby not only filled our bellies with scrumptious eats but our heads with great promises of dreams come true. You see...our new house has a concrete slab in front that is PRIME location for a picnic area. The minute I saw it, I envisioned a table and chairs. Of course, the vision in my head was tastefully put together by yard sale finds. Never in a million years would I have thought I would be the proud owner of an outdoor furniture set from a STORE. In fact, I distinctly remember glancing at them in stores and thinking-I will NEVER own a brand new set like this because they are only for rich people. Well-we are not rich in money but we are certainly rich in love. Our church all pitched in money to send us off with our very own, store-bought set of lawn furniture. As if that were not enough, they were kind enough to give it to us in GIFT CARD form, so we can get it when we are down there instead of trying to HAUL it. Sweet relief!

I am now at G&L’s anxiously awaiting the return of my love and the giving souls who kept him company from dawn to (nearly) dawn. We filled up a truck, and have still more. Not much but more than a car-full; basically, enough to inconvenience us with a second trip. That second trip will probably come on Monday-but given Matt’s flippant decision-making as of late, one can never tell.

And now that I have given a little update on the who-ze, what-ze whereabouts of us Newmans in blogdom, I will devote the rest of my evening to sitting on the couch staring at a tube to pass the time until Matt comes. While TV watching isn’t my favorite sport of all, it seems enticing to me tonight.

With the dawn comes my love from afar. When he is safely home, ours eyes and minds will succumb to sweet slumber and then the Sabbath will be upon us, and with it the covenantal basptism of our sweet little boy. A special day indeed.


  1. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Hey there! Glad to hear that things are moving along even if it is stressful. Just think pretty soon you will be settled into your lovely new home. And you'll be sitting on your new patio furniture watching Corryn ride her bike.

    Wanted to ask you a couple things...first of all ...what size does Corynn wear? I know the baby is just wearing little stuff obviously but I am in the midst of going through kids clothes and getting rid of stuff we can't use. I have done the girls stuff already and am going to be doing the boys this week. It's time to downsize a bit I believe. Also how old is Corryn now? I also have a homeschool curriculum called Hands on Homeschooling for 2 year olds that I got in a trade with another HS mom but I just don't use it because it's just easier for me to include the littles I have in with the bigger kids. But I thought you might be able to use it. It is a nice curriculum...but I can't teach it along with the Abeka and the rest of what we do too. It might be a great option for you. You can see it at

    Check in out and let me know. I am gonna have to get a bigger box for this stuff! I will take a pic of what I have to send you and send it you. Is your email going to change with the move?


  2. Wow! How exciting! Yippee! Hooray! That sounds just GREAT!

    Our email is going to change with the move, but we should have SOMETHING squared away by the end of this week/beginning of next.

    Corynn is wearing 3T's and 4Ts. Mostly 3's in pants (she is a skinny minny) and she wears size 8 or 9 in shoes. And like you said, Andrew is in0-3 (but 3-6 month is fast approaching! hehehe)

    If the box is bigger, that's okay! We are going to be neighbors...practically. You COULD just drop it off. OR, we could meet on shopping day! The bossman's wife said she shops in Altoona too-that it is the best place to shop so I will probably head there to do shopping too.

    I would love anything you have to offer-especially the curriculum! But seriously, you have been SO generous already, don't feel obligated. That said, I WOULD love it. ;-) I will let you know when we get our new email address.

  3. May God's richest blessings be upon you and your family in the coming week. I'll be praying that everything continues to go smoothly as God continues to put each piece of you move to Spruce Creek perfectly in place.

  4. It sounds like you have definitely had a couple of crazy last few days! But it also sounds like God has provided more abundantly than we could ask or imagine! I'm praying for you all, and hope this next week goes well! God bless you!
    Love, Betsy

  5. Yikes! Glad to hear that all went well (even with hitches) and that the bulk of your packing is completed. Husbands...

    A bike and a lawn set! In the spirit of relational word activities, BIKE is to CORYNN as LAWN FURNITURE SET is to _____________________. Seems to me that you both were given an extra reason to be "excited about all the coming changes." Very cool!

    WE are thankful for Andrew's baptism (assuming Sunday wasn't full of any unexpected change of plans), and we continue to think of you as you move on the unpacking leg of this trip, trusting that all will move along swiftly and smoothly.

  6. Anonymous7:18 AM

    I am so excited for you! I only wish somehow I had lured you here to mid-Missouri to farm instead! I think of you every time I go to the dairy farm and pick up milk.

  7. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Good for you!


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