Monday, May 01, 2006

Monday, Monday, Da da...da-da da-da

Time has been whisked away from us-a week has passed and progress is still slow. But, we have internet access now which has provided me with the first opportunity to sit down and relax since the 3 ½ hour drive HOME. I flatter myself into thinking people are waiting on pins and needles to hear about our lives and so I convince myself that blogging is a priority amid boxes taped, half full and empty. And so-I will whittle my small fragment of the quiet an afternoon nap for the chillins’ will bring to shower my anxiously waiting friends (though imaginary) with news and photos, too much and too many.

After a four day long farewell, on Wednesday morning we headed out on the last leg of our journey to Spruce Creek. We had to get a small truck to fit our little bunny FooFoo and Matt’s precious garage gear so we didn’t have the luxury of riding together. But thanks to a pair of borrowed CB’s (referring to ‘citizen bands’, I am told), mechanical voices accompanied us all the way. 4 hours later, with full bellies from Perkins, two adult zombies and a sleeping duo in the backseat reached the hayfield that we now call home. While the stickered Boo-girl and Andy Panda napped, Matt and I unloaded the truck. Then Corynn woke up, got out of the car and then started crying to get BACK in the car. She insisted that she must be in her seat. Poor girl didn’t know what to do! Thankfully, she is slowly adjusting to all this change. Though not entirely herself, we are starting to see her true personality shine through all the whining and crying again. Something that we had missed for a week or so.

Wednesday we had our first visitor, Pastor D. Hansen came bearing gifts-a box full of groceries and two meals! The time from then until now has been so full and so fast that I remember only what it contains and not when.

• A bed setting up party
• Mad dash to for clean sheets (since the guys had unloaded ALL of our blankets and sheets to put around things in the truck.) We settled.
• A picnic as Papa mowed our pasture with a borrowed mower. (We scoff at the pushmower we so WISELY packed…)
• A backyard turkey sighting
• Unpacking and organizing the kitchen (THAT is done!)
• Moving furniture around in the living room as echo’s bounce off the walls. (Okay-so it IS bigger than I expected…)
• About a bazillion trips to the basement to find a box that I needed for SOMETHING.
• A wren rescue. The poor thing flew into our garage and couldn’t get out (yes, you must be thankful we gave her back Abby!) until I grabbed her. Corynn was delighted since she has been BEGGING to hold a bird on her finger. I would always explain that wild birds don’t LIKE people much but she would always shush me with “Maybe tomorrow, Mama” “Maybe when I am a lady.” Well, she might not be a lady but tomorrow DID eventually come!
• The start of clothesline making. Still need to get it UP. SOON!!!
• Two trips to the great Walmart, keeper of all necessary (but lacking) things.
• A two day long wait for a phone line
• A visit with George, our very friendly mailman.
• TWO LETTERS and a card awaiting us on mail day!
• The planting of some flowers Linda sent home with us.
• The REPLANTING of said flowers after an unkind animal paid us an unfriendly visit.
• Internet!
• Five loads of laundry
• Matt’s much coveted, long awaited workshop is now a tangible, organized space!

Yesterday was the Sabbath and was filled with worship and fellowship. The church we attended warmly welcomed us, as did the Pastor and his wife, who invited us over for lunch. We stayed all afternoon, enjoying each other’s company. I think that Ruth and I will be great friends-and Dave and Matt got along very well too-they share the same sense of humor, which is a rare find indeed.

Today marked the beginning of the way our lives will be because Matt headed to work as he will every day from now on, before the sun shone. I am anxiously biding my time before I can see him and hear all about his day.

SO~that is the update. We are all moved in (meaning our stuff is all out here) but NO I am NOT all unpacked. Not even close. PROBABLY not even halfway! The children are sick but are hopefully on the way OUT of whatever it is that they were IN. We are all adjusting to our new lives slowly, but it has been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster for ALL of us this week. We are happily tired and excitedly optimistic. And now for the slew of pictures to update you. If you are even still reading this, that is.

***I apologize for the great LENGTH of this not-so-very interesting update. I relish sitting too much to want to cut this short. :-) Since we are now caught up, future posts won’t be nearly as exhaustive. You hope.

EDIT****Sorry. 'Hello' is not being cooperative, and so the pictures will have to wait. I tried. And tried. and tried. and tried.


  1. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Hi Newman folks!

    Lovely to get your update and thank you so much for the wonderful surprise of the wreath. I would like to send you a longer email, so could you send me your email address? Belinda, from the old job.

  2. I, for one, will be sorely disappointed if you give us only skimpy posts from now on. Sit and plunk away, your happy readers demand it!

    It's so good to hear that all is well and that boxes are now on the right side of the state lines. I look forward to snapshots.

    p.s. I scribbled a hasty note to you today to pack into the two boxes I'm mailing tomorrow. You can ignore my shameless pleas for a blog update, since you sensed the need before you read it.

  3. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Well I for one was one anxiously awaiting an update and did check every day to see if there was one! LOL! So glad to hear you arrived safely and that you are beginning to settle into your new life. I loved reading your long post and hope you will have many more like it. :)

    We might be coming to Altoona before May 19th which is Sam's b-day to do some shopping for his b-day gift.

    Well gotta get moving again...need to get ready for bed. Look forward to hearing from ya soon!

  4. I'm glad that the church was so welcoming to you- it's nice to have friends even when you don't know them yet!
    I'm thankful you all got there safely, foo-foo included, and no worries; your home will be beautiful in no time. Slow and steady really does win the race when you have a young child and infant in tow!
    Love You Much!! :) Elizabeth

  5. Anonymous8:18 AM

    I knew that David and Ruth Hanson would welcome you with open arms. They have been awaiting your arrival. They heard of it a while back from Grandma Lois Long. Enjoy them. They have so much to offer. Enjoy your new home. You will be settled before you know it. And we wish you the Lord's blessings in your new place and can't wait to hear how He uses you in this new place. Love, Mrs. Bibby

  6. Hi Rebecca! Glad to hear you all made it safely to your new home. Yes, keep doing updates. It makes us all feel connected. :)

  7. Hi Rebecca, I was so glad to read your post and hear that you are doing well! I knew that you would become fast friends with the Hansons! We can't wait to come visit the end of June!! Looking forward to your next post!

  8. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who was anxiously awaiting an update. I'm so glad to hear you are settling in. I'll have to wait until morning to look at all the pictures.

  9. Rebecca,

    I am yet another of your readers who was anxiously awaiting an update! So glad things are going smoothly for you! As much as I miss you being here the picture of your family in front of your new home is perfect. It looks like it was built just for you guys! I look forward to visiting you at your new home hopefully sometime this summer!

    Love and hugs,

  10. I was anxiously awaiting an update, and have checked your blog several times over the last week wondering how you guys are settling in. I'm glad to hear things are going well! I enjoyed getting to read your long update and hear all about everything.
    Love and prayers,

  11. Anxiously awaiting an update is the *perfect* description. :) ...and, please don't skimp!

    I can't wait to reconnect w/you and set up a possible get together day for us because you're now closer to ME! We're north of Clarion...:)



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