Monday, May 29, 2006

Happy Memorial Day!

We finally returned home late last night from our weekend excursion, only the four of us, not five. Time pressures forced us to skip picking up our precious pooch. I still haven't seen the little gal, but I sure do hope we get her soon! How can you miss something you have never had? I am not sure but it IS possible.

We had a great time seeing everyone and doing fun things. We went to a grand opening to a carousel, saw fireworks, ate barbeque food, played croquet,and all sorts of other funnish things. Lots of visiting and lots of people that we missed dearly. It was so much fun. But the weekend couldn't be more jam-packed and it showed on the way home. Poor Corynn complained of her tummy hurting and just cried and cried. I knew that her tummy PROBABLY DID hurt but that MOST of her tears were tears of extreme tiredness. I had to have my hand on her head for her to be comfortable. Do you know how UNCOMFORTABLE reaching into the backseat is and stroking a child's hair in an already small, high-backed seat? If you never have-don't. My arms were tingling and going numb within a minute-but her grasp was so tight I didn't dare move. So there I was stroking her head with MY head smushed against the headrest, squeezing my eyes shut to drown out the tingling sensation cascading up and down my arms into the rest of my body when little Mr. let out a screech. The other hand, which had until this point, been let off the hook, then had to be put to work holding a 'sucker' (pacifier) in a peanuts mouth. Eventually, I just gave up. It just wasn't humanly possible! Eventually the tears subsided and snores ensued-and the rest of the trip was peaceful.

Ruth just called and invited us to a Memorial Day picnic and soccer game. I decided to make patriotic popcorn balls. But as the corn syrup and sugar were boiling I realized we only had ONE package of popcorn-and lo and behold, it was CHEESE flavored! So, I used corn flakes and special K to make the balls instead. Not as pretty, but a good way to use up cereal that Corynn doesn't like. Add enough sugar, chocolate, and peanut butter and ANYTHING tastes good! :-)

In other breaking news:

I broke out my camera the other day after a thunderstorm and went for a drive. Alone. How sweet it was. As much as you love your children and would do anything for them, sometimes it is NECESSARY to be alone and away. Those 15 minutes I was gone, walking through dense fog, my eyes behind the camera's lens were pure bliss. As I reached my destination, a beautiful farm with friendly cows wading the babbling stream running through the pasture, I stepped out of the car and startled a hiding crane. I stumbled to turn on my camera but by the time I took the picture, the last of it's tail feathers had disappeared in the mist. Lesson learned. ALWAYS be ready to take a shot.

I still don't have my dirt and if I don't get it by this week, I am going to PERSONALLY pick it up in our cobalt. I am sick of waiting. I am so charged, I think I will go and buy my tomato plants today ANYWAY. Maybe THAT will get a fire going.
While visiting Gary and Linda's, I was reminded how GORGEOUS and comforting plants can be. Just LOOKING at flowers can brighten your day. In every nook and cranny there was beautiful perennials, gorgeous hanging baskets, lovely plants. I hope to soon see such beauty here as well. Everyone is probably SICK AND TIRED of hearing me moan about my lack of dirt. Me too. So I will stop.

Here are some pictures from our weekend. I downloaded 54 but thankfully, restrained myself from posting EACH and EVERY one.


  1. We had a wonderful time visiting with you, albeit short! I too, had such an abundance of photos, and had to pick and choose which ones to post (although I posted more than I probably should have, people will probably tire from all of them!)

    Also, Corynn wasn't alone- poor Samuel was dog-tired too, but thankfully he slept the whole way home!

  2. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Did you get my email last week? Just checking to see if it went through okay or not.
    Glad to hear your weekend was go great.
    I am thinking about your mouse experience of a few weeks ago...I am having one of my own now. I hate mice.

  3. Elizabeth~it was great seeing you and hope that we will see each other again soon-like in a few days! Bite your tongue! I shall never tire of photos!

    Jen~ I DID get your email the other day. Let me know when and where. Sorry about your mice situation-that STINKS. I hate mice too. I guess the only consolation is that soon-you will have SEVERAL FLOORS between you and Mickey! :-)

  4. How nice it must have been to be able to go back and visit friends, even if it was for a very short time. And I can certainly relate to the flipped-around-in-the-car-trying-to-comfort-a-fussy-baby position! I hope you have a lovely week! God bless,

  5. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Now see - if you had a puppy in the car with you I bet the kids wouldn't have been fussy! :) I sent a few pictures to Matt's email for you to see what you are waiting for.....


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