Thursday, June 01, 2006

The day wasn't hot enough to deter me from making three pies. Or maybe I was just stupid. There is creamy peach,. apple crumb, and a funky one using the leftovers from the other two-apple peach and raisin. (That one was for us, topped with freshly whipped cream.) Posted by Picasa


  1. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Yummm....I am coming to visit you! Those look good! Have a great day. ~Jen

  2. "Leftover" pies are the best!! :) It is neat what combos you can make that really taste great. You are a nut to bake pies on hot days, though! LOL ;) (Do you have A/C?)

  3. They look yummy! Did you say freshly whipped cream? What do you use..just whipping cream and sugar?

  4. These look really good! I love baking and cooking and pies are always one of my favorites. :)


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