Friday, July 07, 2006

Crafts, just a few

Yesterday was entirely too stressful for me. I had to run here, there, and everywhere. Three times I went to the farm-the first time walking. Up hill. Pulling Corynn in her wagon. ARGH that was tough! Because I was at the farm so much, my allergies went haywire and the rest of the day I spent wiping my nose, sneezing, and wiping my eyes. That coupled with the stresses of my life yesterday just made for a bad day. I finally broke down and took some allergy medicine that night after Peanut was asleep, so I knew it would have worn off before I nursed him again. Big mistake. Now I am so exhausted I am not sure how I will get through the day. I am sure my eyes are only half open-but I can't open them any wider.

DESPITE all THAT-I was able to do a few crafty projects to get my mind off of things. I have a whole LIST of people I want to send things to so I will be working on them in the next week or two. For those of you who I have promised mail to-it is in the works. OKay?!?!?

~I was able to check TWO people off my list though, when I made an anniversary card and a thank-you card.

~I finished the alterations on Corynn's now-dress.

~I had a home-baked geography lesson (learning can be so delicious!)

~and finally, I brought out my knitting needles after the kids went to bed and started on a new project. Anyone knit out there? I have a question. HOW do you make a baby blanket that is so many inches wide, when the needles are only like 12 inches max? I just learned how to knit (the basics anyway) last year and I have only ever made scarves so I am curious. I would SO love to learn to do hat, booties, and sweaters but I don't know if I will ever be THAT talented. That seems SO difficult! I would appreciate any advice. Right now I am just making a long row and then I guess I will just attach a bunch of them together. I am making a baby blanket (NO-I am NOT pregnant again-despite what Matt might have told you!) only because that is all the yarn I have available to me! It is so soft looking-I love it.

Well, as much as I don't WANT to-I guess I better find something constructive to do. *YAWN* If I can.


  1. Hi Rebecca,
    About the knitting question...if you click on my moms blog...jemit...she has a link to her friend Sandi...hers is called hugs and stitches...she heads an organization who makes scarves, hats and afghans for homeless people...she would most definately be able to answer your question :)

  2. I have been away all week and I come back to TONS of entries (so you know me - LOTS of comments LOL!)

    I LOVE your flower drying rack!! It looks so cute and antiquey (did I just create a word?)!! I am gonna HAVE to get me one of those! I might have to buy a new one and rub paint off to make it look as quaint as yours.

    Also LOVING your craft room and how you store your crafts (especially those ribbons - but of course I have too many ribbons to do that with). :D Oh I wish I had time to do crafts. We are packing to MOVE! YIKES!!

    AND OH MY OH MY! WHERE is that field with all those lilies!! How BEAUTIFUL!!! WOW!

    And what a GREAT idea to change a tank top to a dress. Gonna HAVE to add that to my homesteading blog!! :D You end up there a lot! (Still waiting for my directions for that clothesline LOL!!!). Hvae to try to make time this week to put the tank top and the flower drying rack ideas on there.

    Funny how you are taking up knitting. I am taking up crochet! I just learned slip stitch, chain stitch, single and half double stitches. I am half way done with a scarf for my youngest and I just learned yesterday!!! :D

    Loving the pictures of your family. Your little guy is growing up so fast! I need to post more pics of my little guy. :D

  3. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Use circular needles for the blanket, but use them like straight needles (knit and purl)

    If you have the $$, buy Addis. If not, Walmart has cheaper ones. I just graduated to my first set of Addis and WOW. But I did just fine on the WM ones for a long time.

  4. Wendy and Whimsy~thanks so much. A lady from church knits and crochets so I am HOPING she might be able to help me to become more skilled. In BOTH knitting and crocheting. A circular needle sounds HARD. I wonder if I can do it...

    P~ Hey there! Thanks for the craft room comments-don't you DARE buy a NEW shutter for a drying rack! That would probably cost LOTS of money! They are ALWAYS at yard sales-just keep your eyes peeled! As far as the ribbons-HA! Like that is all I have! Those are just some that I use often! I filled up a WHOLE drawer in that dresser with ribbon! hehehe. Only five rolls. SILLY GIRL!

    The lilies are off the side of the road just a skip from our house. I am going to dig some up after they finish blooming to transplant a few onto our property. Until then, every week Corynn and I have gone flower picking for my dining room table! :-) They ARE gorgeous!

    Still waiting on that clothesline instructions? You are still waiting on your new BABY gift I told you I was sending! I am a slacker of the worst sort! Actually, I was heading to the post office YESTERDAY and had your package all wrapped up and I discovered your address had been deleted again. Such dispair I had. I am such a flibberwhimp. Will you please email it to me one more time (YES-I KNOW I said that LAST time-but my hubby keeps DELETING THEM!!!!) I can't blame him entirely though-had I gotten your package around when you emailed me the FIRST time, this wouldn't be an issue, but I procrastinated. As far as the clothesline...I don't know the exact dimensions, but you probably wouldn't want to follow them anyway because my husband made them for ME. I am 6'1 and I still reach pretty high! I will ask my husband TODAY the lengths and such but it might require you to do change it up to what is comfortable for you.

    Oh-I want to knit AND crochet. I know only the simplest stitches for both, but a lady at church is very good and she seems like she would be willing to teach me-I just need to get up the nerve to ask....

    Oh and one more thing-YES, you DO need to post more pictures! hehehe

  5. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Hi Rebecca,
    Could you link me to your post on the flower drying rack? I can't seem to find it anyware on your blog.


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