Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Picnicking, Pickwicking

Picnicing is always fun. Especially when chocolate covered strawberries, ducks, and swingsare tangled in the mess. And so it was on Saturday.

Our weekends are not distinct anymore. When we lived in NY, we would ALWAYS go to Matt's parents' house, or I would go yard-saling with my sister, or head to MY parents' house. I was always doing SOMETHING away from home. It set itself apart. Here. Saturdays are just like every other day. Matt often has to work a half day-we don't go anywhere and I am stuck at home-like every other day of the week! So on Saturday, around 4:30 I suggested, spur of the moment, that we should go BBQ at a local park. I am so glad we did. I needed that. Sometimes it takes pulling some teeth from Mateo Potato-but once he is forced, he can't help having a good time. Because it was so LATE in the afternoon, we bought hotdogs at the local hotdog joint to accompany our picnic basket full of Italian pasta salad, devilled eggs, chocolate covered strawberries, and ants on a log. (I was scrounging in my cupboards like a madwoman trying to come up with 'picnicy' things...) (We didn't have any charcoal...) It was fun. We will do it again and when we do, the camera will be ready!

THIS WEEKEND is the 'annual' Cantrell Family Camping Trip. Everyone has graciously decided to camp out in our YARD, instead of going somewhere special, because they knew that we wouldn't be able to go since Matt works all the time. Besides, they get to see our house! So, there will be eight adults and eight and a half children (and even a dog or two) from Friday through Sunday-my parents and their children are staying until Monday. I am SO looking forward to it! I just can't WAIT! To celebrate the occasion, I have been trying to stock up on funnish-type goodies. Water balloons, Spin art (I hope...I have to go to the store), some FIREWORKS! You know, fun stuff!

This past week, Matt finished making a BEAUTIFUL bookcase-which he is taking to WORK! Can you believe THAT?!?! RIDICULOUS! Anyway-he WILL be making us one or two also ( i will make SURE of THAT!) -since half of our books are still in BOXES since we lacked bookshelves! I hope this week he can manage to get the swing set built-or atleast put up a tire swing. On the 4th of July picnic, Corynn had a BLAST swinging on the tire swing. It might be fun for the other kiddos too. I am mostly going to be indoors, preparing for company and starting to scrapbook Andrew's baby album. My favorite pictures, the ones I took for his announcements (they looked PROFESSIONAL!) are now LOST and I can't find them anywhere. I am SO sad. I REALLY hope they turn up!

Well, that is my week in a nutshell. At least the plan. I hope I can be as productive as I need to be....there is LOTS to do!


  1. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Hi Rebecca,
    You are such a busy woman! I'm not sure how you manage to have a beautiful house, yard,garden,kids,pets - oh and husband! You make me tired just reading about your daily activities! Rec'd your card and Corynn's picture(s). Thank you so much. I am really happy that you have such a happy loving home for Dutchess. She will be quite the protector for your family. If you get a chance let me know your phone # and I'll give you a call sometime. I checked for your ditty of the day first thing this morning and you hadn't written anything yet :( I was glad to see you had a chance to write :)

  2. My good looks run in the family.

  3. Your picnic sounds like so much fun. We used to go on spontaneous outings and such more often when we had fewer children. :)
    What a fun idea to have the camping trip in your backyard! I've been feeling like going camping this summer, but just haven't been sure I can manage it with four little kids (one of them a baby). Maybe we'll try setting up our tent and camping in our back yard!

  4. Hi Rebecca, I've to agree with Jean, you're always busy, it almost makes me feel lazy...
    But I've been making strawberry jam, about 20 jars!

    Hope you will have a lovely weekend with all your family (oh, would I love just to drop by for half an hour..). Give them all our love!!


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