Thursday, July 13, 2006

Earthworms and Bookworms

Currently Reading: From Amish and Mennonite Kitchens by Phyllis Pellman Good and Rachel Thomas Pellman

It’s been gray and dreary the last few days-but unlike most storms, these don’t carry the refreshing coolness that stills even the hottest days. Instead, the air just gets heavier and heavier, suffocating you and stifling any energy you might have. I get the last laugh though, because while the weather might deter outdoor activities, it is the PERFECT time to sit by a fan and READ! And as if the mailman knew the winds of fate, he brought me my book order JUST IN TIME! Have you ever heard of Bargain Books? It is a catalog of books that are CHEAP. Every now and again they put out a catalog consisting ONLY of (good) books selling for $1.95, $2.95, and $3.95! I ordered a bunch from that catalog-some for me and some for gifts. I won’t list the gift ones-I would hate to give things away, but the ones I PERSONALLY have been enjoying reading are…

Photography for the Joy of It by Freeman Patterson
(So far I have just skimmed the headings and photos. It looks like it will be very helpful and I can see it is written for the average joe (not a bunch of technical goobly-goop.)

Quilt for the Seasons: 24 projects to build your skills by Barbara Baker and Jeri Boe
I LOVE this book! In fact, some day, I want to create one too! It has quilts for all seasons, but it incorporates photography throughout ALSO! How cool is THAT? I love it, love it, love it! And I have already seen three projects I want to start THIS year…)

A Thimbleberries Housewarming: 22 projects for Quilters by Lynette Jenson Most projects are wall-hangings so they are smaller (which means they will get finished faster!). The instructions are fully illustrated and seem easy to follow. The only thing I don’t like about this is that they don’t class the projects into “Beginner”, “Intermediate”, or “Advanced”. I suppose if you don’t like to be told you ‘can’t do something’-that would be great for you. But before I get myself into something, I like to know if I will be able to handle it. At least at this point of my quilting life-the beginning! Ha!

As if those were not enough-I have an armful of goodies from the library to keep myself occupied! Some of those include:
~The Complete Guide to Home Canning and Preserving put out by the U.S Dept. of Ag
~Baby Gifts by Alison Wormleighton

~The New Guide to Herbs by Andy Clevely

And the hightlighted one from above. THAT is a GEM! (The one I am reading has a different cover but is exactly the same title and author so I assume it is the same one...) I want to add it to my own collection. I have only had time to look at desserts and canning-but there are invaluable recipes in it! I will be keeping my eyes open for it. The library copy is pretty beat up, so who knows-maybe it will be at the next Library sale! One can only hope….

Speaking of the Library: Tuesday night, while Matt finished his book shelf; the children and I headed to the library to see a puppet show. But it wasn’t a puppet show like one would naturally think a puppet show to be. Instead it was a ventriloquist! VERY fun. I am such a kid…I was as excited as Corynn!

My kids are such a joy to me. I am so proud of them. Andrew watched the man and was quiet the whole time and Corynn sat still and listened, and even went to him and said Thank You on her own when he was all done. She was the ONLY child who did that. Children CAN be a glory to their mother and father! While there, Corynn even got her own library card-which makes her feel VERY big! She went right up to the counter and asked if she could borrow the book, handed the lady her card, and asked her everything she was doing…it was so sweet. It is a funny sight when all the librarians line up to wave you out. They just ate the kids up!
Before our next visit, I am going to stitch up some ‘book bags’ for us. One for Corynn to wear on her back and one for the stroller, since I am not able to take ARMFULS of books out like I used to. Not while lugging a wee one!

We are well on her way to a free book!

As far as the last comments made: don’t let me fool you. I could do SO much more with my time. There are SO MANY things I want to do that just don’t get done. For example-I said I was going to work on Andrew’s album. I sat down and organized the pictures. I didn’t even finish ONE page all week! So-don’t think I am some super woman. I am just like every other woman-getting done what I can while seeing my mile long, never-diminishing to-do list.

I won’t be back until probably Tuesday but when I come back-GET READY! I hope to have LOTS of campout pictures to share!  Have a wonderful week everyone!


  1. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Do you mean I won't get anymore interesting stories until next week? :(
    I really do look forward to opening and reading your site - it makes for a good day at work!
    Tell Coryn that I don't even have a library card! Good for her!

  2. Corynn seems like such a sweet little girl, if only you lived closer I would love to meet you all...You have obviously taught her very well, that she is so sweet and considerate at such a young age. If only I could always do so well with my little ones.

  3. I did a search at on the book "From Amish and Mennonite Kitchens." Did you know that Phyliss Pellman Good authoured over 15 books?! And they all look great!!! Now I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for this/these books, too!!! Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. Hi Rebecca,
    The Library is one of my guilty pleasures!!! Guilty, because I can't seem to get much done when I have a good book! I am glad to see Corynn enjoying it as well...she is such a smart cookie!

  5. Thanks for the books recs. I ALWAYS enjoy the same books you do! LOL! And yes, I second . It is my best internet friend! =^) Have fun camping!


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