Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Morning 'Chores'

As always, I wake up to these beauties. Peanut usually wakes me up at about 5:30, with the insistent wails of a starving madman. When his belly is full, though, he returns to the babbling sweet-headed googlebug I know him to be. Shortly after that, Corynn wakes me up by crawling into bed saying "It's breakfast time, Mama!" And so the day begins... (and by the way, I DO feed my children supper...) Posted by Picasa


  1. Anonymous8:44 PM

    What a sweet picture! I want that recipe for the freezer jam ... never made any and it looks sooooo good!


  2. I love when my own kids wake up in the morning and come out rubbing their eyes...they are so sweet looking! This is definately a great bright eyed picture of your sweet babies! I enjoyed the whole morning chores agenda...it was fun to see it in pictures!

  3. How cute! That's funny, I was about to ask, don't you feed your children dinner? When you answered the question for me! Maybe a midnight snack is in order...

  4. Sweet.

    And clean.

    Fresh white linen.

    These children grew in a Martha Stewart magazine.


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