Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Of course, we must get dressed. Today is a beat-the heat hair-off-the neck do to keep us cool. Er, well, cool-ER. Posted by Picasa


  1. Please tell me that sometimes when you do morning chores, Corynn's wearing a permanently stained t-shirt and her bare feet are grubby, or, for that matter, that your bare feet are grubby and your hair's unbrushed.


    (NO, I am not pleading for this because I need affirmation that my daily routine is quite often the evil twin of photogenic...)

  2. Oh yes. It just so happens that it was 95 degrees at 8 in the morning and the most air vented outfit she had was that dress. Either that or she run around neck-ed. (Which would have my MOTHER storming over here is a split second...)

    For our hair-UGH! I am THIS CLOSE to getting it all cut off. BOTH of us.

    For the feet: Who are you kidding? they are ALWAYS grubby...they are permenantly black, I am afraid. Which is WHY there are no feet pictures.


Whatdya Think?