Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Crochet High

It's another Wednesday night, long past the sun has gone down and yet sleep eludes me. I am on another post-crochet-lesson high. I am pretty pleased with myself! At my first lesson, last week, my teacher friend showed me how to single crochet. She left me with the assignment to practice that ONE stitch. This week, she was SO pleased with my progress, tension and flowing movement, she taught me the half-double, double and treble stitches along with some variations of the single crochet stitch. After she taught me a stitch, she would watch me practice a few rows and then she kept saying-"Well, your ready for it so I might as well teach you this..."

Wow! Seeing myself make a ripple pattern was so exciting! I was THIS close to taking a picture of it!

I had bought THIS book last year...

...with the idea I would teach MYSELF how to do it. Unfortunately, the task seemed too daunting and I couldn't understand at ALL what the instructions were saying, so it was shelved. I brought it out to show Nancy and she was very excited. She wants us to start on that project right away. My assignment for this week is to do the first three squares, which she says I am already skilled enough to do. She will go through all the blocks with me, and occasionally, when we want a break, will work on different, fun projects for a change of pace. Then I showed her my stash of yarn (yes~I had a stash even though I didn't know how to use it...) and that got her enthusiastic too. She taught me all about the different types of yarn and such. It was so much fun.

I just love having her over here. I love that she is willing to teach me. I love that we have so much to talk about even though we are at different stages of our lives. I love that I have a friend-a REAL friend-not just a Sunday friend. It has been hard for me to interact with people on a personal level since we have moved because I am stranded at home (most of the time) while Matt has our car. This means that the only visiting time I have is on Sunday's and that is rushed, to say the least! I think it is a REAL blessing to have her living close by. Who would have thought that the ONE person living close by would be so very SIMILAR to me in thoughts and hobbies and such. It's a perfect fit! :-)

Well, I just wanted to hop on here so that I could share in my excitement about tonight. I am just so glad I was brave enough to ask her for her help. I hate asking people for things. But I can tell, this is the beginning of a lifelong hobby and because of this, our friendliness has grown into a cherished friendship.

Wednesday nights make me GLAD that we moved.


  1. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Oh I can just hear/feel your excitement!! I love to crochet to, and I really like that afghan book you shared. I think I'm going to have to try and find that one! And it's especially nice to have made a good friend :-). I understand it can get lonely at times, I have 2 friends "near" by ones 10/15 min by car in the next town the other is an hour away. But both is pretty far if you don't drive lol.

  2. I am so glad that you have found a good friend. I imagine it must be so hard not having a second vehicle. I can't wait to see one of your finished products! Just think...someday YOU will be teaching someone else all of YOUR secrets!

  3. There is nothing like finding a dear friend! I am so happy for that you have found a treasure. I love crocheting, as well. Knitting is a tad daunting for me. Isn't there just something about making something by hand? God definitely put that desire in us ladies. Blessings to you!

  4. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Maybe you can pass along your new skills to me sometime. My great grandma began to teach me as a child but unfortunately I did not appreciate her efforts like I wish I had and now she's gone to Heaven.
    I am happy you've found a new friend nearby.

  5. I love crocheting! I have made several blankets for various babies over the years. Knitting, however, makes me feel like I am going to put an eye out!

    Isn't it great to have a teacher instead of just a book??

  6. How fun! I've always wanted to learn to crochet, but like you, the task of learning how to do it from a book just seemed too daunting to me. What a neat opportunity you have to learn from this new friend. :) I love crafts and sewing, so I can't wait to see what you create! :) You'll have to post pictures soon.


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