Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Taking it Easy, MY FOOT!

I suppose I took it easy yesterday. If...

~Doing 6 loads of laundry and all that THAT entails ( washing, hanging to dry, taking down, folding and bringing back inside...)
~Sorting through and packing children's summer clothes
~Changing all the bedding in the house
~Scrubbing bathroom
~cleaning kitchen
~writing four letters and packaging up two boxes to mail
~browning 9 pounds of ground beef along with all the other smallish type every day jobs

....classifies as taking it easy.

BUT~I never did get my migraine back! :-)


  1. Anonymous2:18 PM

    LOL nope sounds like you were busy! Very glad your feeling better. :-D

  2. Hi rebecca,
    Glad that you are feeling better. I just posted some more pictures on my blog. I figured out how to do it finally. I have dial up so everything is just Slooooooow.
    your cousion

  3. 9 # of Ground Beef? Hmmm. You know Rebecca, you don't need to be so lazy...I mean the rest of us had all of those jobs you listed done eons ago I am sure...and well...Just 9#s of ground beef? Why be so chintzy? If you could just exert a little will power and motivation...you could be like the rest of us...HA!

  4. I know-nine pounds of ground beef. The thing is-we have like an ENTIRE cow in our chest freezer. And I have STILL been lazy when it comes to cooking. Plus-each package is 1.75 punds or something like that which means to cook that much for one meal would be wasteful. SO-I decided to start browning meat-adding onions to some, taco seasoning to some, etc. and then refreezing them into one pound portions. Then I can QUICKLY make things like tacos, goulash, spagetti, lasagna, etc.

    I need all the help I can get. We'll see how it works for me...

  5. Sounds like a day of taking it easy in my life...


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