Monday, November 20, 2006

Fizz, Pop , Snap

Matt would like to post about our 'news' so I won't be stealing his thunder. Suppose you will have to wait a bit longer. Really, I wouldn't mind telling all of you, if my brain could actually formulate an intelligible thought on it all. I will make sure he posts on his blog soon. Not just for you, but I am afraid I might just *pop* if it doesn't get out soon.

Honestly, I didn't realize people would even 'get' that there was news. You guys are quick on your toes! Hopefully this post isn't like peroxide on a wound-YOUCH! But I just couldn't stay away just because I couldn't say anything!! :-)

Here is the thing-yes, $300.00 got us a truck. I have not SEEN this truck, mind you. But Matt says it will work. It needs a new battery and some new tires-and hopefully, that completes the list. It will be MATT'S truck-and I will finally get my car back-well worth the money in my book. He bought it off a guy down the road. When Matt and I were dating, he had a truck and sold it after we got married. He will be a truck man once again. He practically makes the trucking noises in his sleep...

Remember how our dryer broke? Scratch that...THE dryer broke at this house (because the dryer we gave away since there was already a dryer here is still running, isn't it Elizabeth?) Well, obviously the weather has not been conducive to line drying and our basement line only goes so fast. Needless to say, we are OUT of clean clothes and we can hardly walk in our closet now. I have spent the day washing clothes and when Matt gets home from work, we will go to the laundrymat to dry them. I hope to get five loads done-even though we only have four laundry baskets. I am not sure how it will all work-but it MUST. We will get a pizza and make it a party. Lemonade out of lemons...or more appropriately, cocoa out of beans.

Well, that is all that is safe to say for now. Hope everyone has a happy Monday!


  1. Anonymous5:05 PM

    NO FAIR! You better make him spill the beans soon. LOL. Now I will keep checking to see if he posts to his blog or you to this one!

    PS- Did you check my blog for our news????

  2. Anonymous6:22 PM

    No fair is right! I think Matt just wants us to check his blog, which I usually don't. When will he post? Please tell us. We won't tell him that you did. No don't, that wouldn't be submissive. I will try and be patient. :-)

  3. Anonymous4:25 PM

    We are still waiting. No news on Matt's blog yet. Come on, let out the secret!! How would you feel? I know you would be as inpatient as I am being. :-)

  4. I know! I keep telling him! In fact, I made him promise me last night he would write about it tonight. Let's just hope he keeps his promise! :-)


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