Monday, November 20, 2006

Gingerbread Swags

Last year, Corynn and I made a BUNCH of gingerbread ornaments to make a gingerbread tree. This year, I used the leftovers to make several swags for my craft show. They were a big hit and so I thought, perhaps someone else might like to try it. They are very simple to make and you can use whatever you want to dress them up. Here is how to make one...

~First, make the ornaments. I used the recipe and instructions found here. It worked perfectly. The only suggestion I have is to bypass step number 7 to make the garland because the holes are unnecessary. If you only make the ornaments, you will need the holes.

~When completely dried, find some thick string, dental floss (or what I used was meat thread). Add a bead to one end and then tie a raffia bow to the end.

~Then add your goodies in whatever order you would like. For a perishable swag you can use popcorn and fresh cranberries. I used red beads that looked like cranberries so that I could sell them at the show. You can also add things like cookie cutters. Use your imagination! You may have to hotglue beads on the backs of some of your items (the ornaments and cinnamon sticks needed a bead attached.) Cookie cutters can be attached with ribbon and bows can simply be tied on.

~I started the swag and ended the swag with five beads and then alternated four beads with SOMETHING (whether it was an ornament, bow or cinnamon stick.)

As I said, the ornaments were made last year and yet they still smell as delicious as ever. So many people commented on them and the wonderful smell of my stand. Hope you enjoy! Posted by Picasa


  1. I just came across your blog through others that I read.......and I love your post and pictures. It sounds like you had a wonderful craft show and your tables look so lovely...Enjoy the new truck and I will be back soon...........

  2. I love your "Gingerbread Swag". Maybe over Thanksgiving when we have family here we'll have time to do some crafts with the older kids and I'll try making some. I'll let you know how it goes!

  3. I definitely want to try this. THanks for sharing!


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