Saturday, December 02, 2006

Deck the Halls

Since Matt had to work today, (can you believe he bred 40 cows since YESTERDAY?? And that is something you are supposed to go to school for-but he never did. And as long as I am bragging, I might as well share that in the seven months that he has been here, he has nearly TRIPLED the pregnancy rate? And that is a SERIOUS achievement given the cow health hurdles he has had to face! Yes-I am proud of him...)

ANYWAY-where was I?

Since Matt had to work today, I spent the morning doing the last of the hall-decking. I am just so happy I was able to decorate for the season. It means so much to me. Each thing that we have, from nativity to stockings, brings fond recollections and it is with great joy that I get to glance at them again this year.

I was planning to do the outdoor lights yesterday as it was unseasonably mild-in the 60's in fact! I had unexpected company though, for which I am now very glad. Last night the wind was SO forceful I just know it would have wrecked havoc on all my work. And I HATE, DESPISE, LOATH doing things twice. That is Santa's job.

So-here are a bunch of pictures of my now festive home since I will not have the pleasure of hosting too many (if any) of you long distance friends over the holidays. Of course, feel free to see it all in person at any time!!! :-)
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  1. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Your house looks so nice Rebecca. I am still in the midst of decking our halls but will be sure to take pictures and actually post them when I do! If I don't please hound me till I do...LOL. I am so bad about posting pics anymore. Have a great weekend! ~Jen

  2. Everything looks absolutely beautiful.

  3. Your tree is beautiful and I love your tree skirt!

  4. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Rebecca...this blog is on my Favorites List. you are very INspiring! I love your simple Decorations they make your home so comfy and festive!
    keep up the AMAZING pictures and the great tips..


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