Saturday, December 02, 2006

A family heirloom

Okay-not really. :-) I made this tree skirt the first year we were married and it has been a fond friend since. Posted by Picasa


  1. Anonymous4:07 PM

    It is a beautiful treeskirt & a beautiful family heirloom to be....It is sure to be something your children & your children's children will love & treasure throughout time...=)
    Your Christmas-y house is darling! You decorate everything...just like me! If you sit still too long in my house, you get something festive put on you! =)
    I too am a giraffe that Santa is especially cute to me!
    Have a great weekend.
    Victoria =)

  2. Last year I found a treeskirt for a few dollars and snatched it up in hopes of having a tree this year. Now, looking at your handiwork, I feel like a cheater! Very nice.

  3. (Your tree skirt, that is, although you are very nice, too...)


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