Monday, December 18, 2006

Despite the hesitant look,

Andrew was quite taken with the jolly old elf. I think he quite liked him, in fact. Posted by Picasa


  1. I took Samuel to see the Santa at the mall on Friday night. He was fine while we waited in line babbling on about Santa. Once we got to Santa it was a completely different story- Samuel acted like a wild animal put in a cage for the first time. He FREAKED out and PANIC shined out of his eyes. I didn't get his photo done, but I do wish I had a camera phone so that I could have shown you a picture! I would never put him through sitting with Santa for photos, but to get a quick snapshot would have been nice for posterity.

  2. It pains me to say it, but Andrew has a thing for guys with beards. Now, if this Santa actually looked REAL he probably would have cooed and babbled and affectionately tugged it like he does with his Papa.

    I would have liked to see that too-photographs are of MEMORIES and shouldn't always be picture perfect. That is why I like to take a few cry baby photos every now and again too. BUT-even the obsessive compulsive snapper in me needs a reminder to take natural shots with all the expressions and emotions that can run.

    Did you go by yourself or was Bob there too? I bet you are happy now that you got his 'first Christmas with Santa' pictures!


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