Monday, December 18, 2006

Triple Chocolate Chunk and Dunk Biscotti

1/3 c. butter
2/3 c. sugar
1/4 c. unsweetened cocoa powder
2 t. baking powder
2 eggs
1 3/4 c. all purpose flour
4 ounces white chocolate baking bar, coarsely chooped -or white choc. chips
3 ounces semi-sweet chocolate, chopped

Lightly grease a cookie sheet:set aside.

Beat butter with an electric mixer on medium speed 30 seconds. Add sugar, cocoa and baking powder; beat until combined. Beat in eggs. Beat in as much flour as you can-stir in the rest. Stir in chopped chocolate.

Shape dough into two 9 inch long rolls. Place rolls on prepared cookie sheet and flatten slightly. Bake in a 375 oven 20-25 minutes or until a wooden toothpick inserted comes out clean. Cool on sheet for one hour.

Cut each roll diagonally into 1/2 inch thick slices. Place slices, cut side down, on an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 325 for 8 minutes, flip and bake other side 7-9 minutes until cookies are dry and crisp. Do not overbake.

Transfer cookies to wire rack to cool.

If desired, melt chocolate with a smidge of shortening and then drizzle.

OR-for Chocolate overdose...

Dip in chocolate and decorate.

*Note* I have never had Biscotti before, nor have I made it before this weekend. And I don't drink coffee so I haven't even tried THESE! But-everyone else who HAS had them has said they were yummy.
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