Saturday, March 03, 2007

Mission Stitch

Wow. Two posts in one day. A record! ;-) And on a weekend, no less! I am going insane!

Well. Not really. This is a worthy cause! I am going to be stitching up a storm (or trying to) in the next two weeks because I want to contribute to this, an opportunity to sew simple skirts for the girls in THREE African orphanages. The details are all there, if you follow the link.

I thought about waiting to post about it until I had a skirt to photograph and then I thought... "WAIT. WHY would I do that?!?! Perhaps there are a few ladies out there who would be willing to make a skirt or two as well!" Randi would like to have all skirts received by March 31st which means time is a wastin'!

If you are interested in participating in this great effort, please head over to I HAVE TO SAY and tell her so. It isn't all that complicated-even if you haven't sewn clothes before. There is a great step-by-step tutorial of a little girls skirt here and one for bigger girls here.

I am excited because I have been seeking out ways to use my abilities to help those less fortunate. Up until this point, all I have seen is knitting and crochet projects which I am not very fast at.

If any of you decide to do this, please let me know. We can share photos of our creations! I would love to see your skirt! I plan to make at least ONE for a smaller girl and one for a bigger girl. I just asked Randi if we can stray from the pattern a bit as I would like to perhaps make a few dresses for some babies. We shall see.

Please think about participating-what a great thing!


  1. Anonymous10:20 AM


    I think that the dresses would be just fine! The lady that I have been speaking with about the skirts (she works with the orphanage)has told me that any clothes that are sent, will be used! Little baby dresses will be wonderful.

    Thank you for your willingness to participate and for linking my blog with this post! The more people that know about this, the more we can send over to the kids!

  2. Hey Rebecca:
    Thanks for sharing this unique opportunity. I have actually started working on a skirt already. Have a great evening.

  3. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Hey girl send me your address! I am movning and still have your christmas card and a long letter I wrote you in December! (embarrassed) I think about you often! Here is my email


  4. Randi~Great! I am excited about this!

    Charree! YES! That is wonderful! I am so glad someone is going to participate with me!

    Hil~SOOOOO-you ARE still alive! ;-) I'll email you soon!


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