Saturday, March 03, 2007

Ordinarily Me

Here is a rundown of the very ordinary girl who takes up residence at Renaissance.

I am Rebecca, hear me roar.

I am...

~a Mother of two

~Wife to one

~Child of God

~Snuggler to the sick

~Gardener of seeds

~Planner of parties

~Kisser of boo-boos

~Studier of God's
beautiful creation

~Reader of good books...big and little

~Every day chef

~Lover of the 'little

~Teacher of children mine



~Writer and someday PUBLISHED author

~Canner of the harvest

~Crafter of little things

~Maker of messes

~Stitcher of fabric

~Crocheter of yarn

~Eater of sweets

~Bed maker extraordinare

~Lover of flowers

~Singer of songs

~Everyday photographer

~Try to be Optimist

~Seeker of the Truth

~Enjoyer of the little moments

Thank you to all who stop by and visit me each week. I really enjoy sharing my life with you all and so enjoy your visits.


  1. Rebecca - beautiful pictures!! I love your description of yourself and you seem like an incredibly crafty, talented, well-rounded woman! God bless you!! Enjoy the party!

  2. Happy Blog Party to you! :)


  3. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I really like the way you set up your list of things about you...and it is a nice list that tells quite a lot about you!! Have a great time at the party!!!

  4. I'm a regular here, but just wanted to say hi. Those pickles and cinnamon buns look wonderful. Yum! (obviously not together, lol!)

  5. Happy Party... and you have a beautiful blog. I'm glad to meet you and I've bookmarked you so I can come back and get to know you better.

    Have fun party hopping.

  6. Hi! Thanks for stopping by. Those sticky buns look soooooooooo good!

  7. I'm a regular here also. So I can say with/from knowledge, please be sure to come back here often. You'll not be disappointed.

    This is one of the prettiest Blogs around. And with one of the sweetest Bloggers going.


  8. GORGEOUS decorations and very interesting reading! Happy party week! :D

  9. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Well hi, Rebecca! It's very nice to meet you. Your children are GORGEOUS! Thank you for the warm welcome!

    I know what you mean about all of the great prizes, aren't people the coolest? I sort of hope I don't win anything because I'll feel guilty for taking so much for nothing. My mom crochets so I too know how much work and time goes into something like that!!

    Welcome to the party!

  10. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I love your intro! I will be back!

  11. Swinging in for the Ultimate Blog Party. I will be starting my 3rd party favor give away later tonight. Come on over when ya get a chance.

    PARTY ON!!!!

  12. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Hi from Illinois, what a great party you have going. Nice to meet you, stop by when you get a moment.

  13. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I found your blog via the Ulitmate Blog Party and I'm dropping in to say "Hi!" I've enjoyed looking at your pictures you have for cards. They're beautiful. The Fruit of Her Hands~Respect and the Christian Woman by Nancy Wilson is a great book. It's been a while since I read it though.

  14. Fabulous! You are a blogger who likes canning! I rarely find anyone these days who does this anymore. I learned how to can homemade jam last year and I'm hooked. I also quilt & cross stitch. Best wishes, Esther

  15. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Just stopping by for the party! I think I might know you from CMOMB.
    Love your site it beautiful!

  16. Your blog is very beautiful. I love the pictures and all the flowers on the side bar. Nice to meet you.

  17. Hello Rebecca! It's so nice to meet you! Your blog seems so lovely and wonderful. It was great to get to know you and read about you.

  18. Happy Party! Stopping by to say Hi!

  19. Anonymous12:18 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Would love to send you an e-mail...
    Do you have one you'll share with me? I said I would in a response to one of your posts on my blog, but you do not have an e-mail listed that I have found yet. My email is - would love to chat more some time. Your family looks like one we would love to be good friends with. I am so encouraged by some of your posts on parenting, very inspirational and they have given me more encouragement and reassurance that I am doing the right thing and need to hold onto faith.

  21. Lovely blog, fellow 6'1 friend :)

    God bless,
    Sherri-Dawn @ Tall Tales

  22. Can't find your e-mail, but wanted to see if you minded me taking up Foto Friday until you are ready to do it again. If you don't like the idea, let me know - I totally understand either way. :-) I just cannot part with it, and I know some of the other bloggers are having a hard time without it too. I posted this week and will post next week, but if you don't want me to call it Foto Friday - I won't. I just want to have integrity in my actions here. Thank you!


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