Friday, March 16, 2007

Model Mama and an announcement

The Lady in Red is Wendy, a good friend of mine. Yes-she SHOULD be a model. She IS as gorgeous as in person. And as lovely on the inside too. Because she is due with her FOURTH babe any day now and because I am HOURS away, I am kind of on pins and needles waiting for the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!

So...I did what any impatient person would do-I added a shoutbox to my blog's sidebar. For those unfamiliar with it-it is just a chatbox-you just type something and click and it will appear in the box-and I will respond. You can even talk to each OTHER through it. It is an easy was to communicate and have your comments be SEEN right away and KNOW that I have responded.

I post it here on Renaissance, giving all of my NY friends the VERY IMPORTANT responsibility to 'SHOUT OUT' when the big day comes. I WANNA HEAR ABOUT IT! GOT IT?!?!


Oh-and now that it is here...ANYONE AND EVERYONE-use it! For whatever reason! PLEASE! I would hate for the silly thing to be empty all the time! ;-)
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  1. Hi Rebecca--I used your shout box:) Congratulations on your friends baby. I am due soon too---I can't wait!

    You have a lovely blog, and I will be back.


  2. Ack! It's Wendy Valentine! She's in my Calvin College scrapbook- the day we went to the Mongolian Barbeque! That seems like a lifetime ago! Ok, I'm a dork.

  3. Thanks for coming to see me Julieann...and for using my shoutbox. At least it will be used once or twice! ;-)

    When are you due???

    Mandie~when I first read your comment...I was like. WOAH-How does she know her???? Then I put it all together. It does seem like eons ago...and we were in our own little bubble there-I hardly remember much outside of being with you; maybe a journal, hanging out on pool tables...hehehehe

    I miss you.

  4. Best of luck to your friend. The last part, can be very lonnnnnnnnnnng. :-)



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