Thursday, March 08, 2007


So far, I am two for two on the QUIRKY children scale. Ever since Corynn was a baby, she has pulled on her ears in uncomfortable situations, to fall asleep, etc. Like a security blanket-except, with her ears. It was always cute-definately a CORYNN thing, as I had never seen anyone do it before or since. I remember taking a picture of her as a baby with one hand clutching each ear. So cute and because it wasn't a blanket-it saved on laundry!

Andrew has a I know he is ready to sleep when he begins PULLING HIS HAIR! Yep. He grabs fists full from the back of his head and yanks until eventually, he falls asleep with a deathgrip on his scalp. I suppose I will save money on haircuts. But it might look like the back of his head got caught in a lawnmower.
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  1. Millie's security blanket was (and still is on occasion) her bellybutton. She tugs and stretches it way out when she's nervous or worried.

  2. Anonymous5:15 PM

    John can still be found on occasion playing with his ears. My MIL always thought he had an ear infection but his ears are his "security blanket," too. :)


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