Saturday, March 31, 2007


Surely, you all must be very tired of picnic and park photographs...and by the most recent photo redundancies, you very well know how much time we waste idly playing outside. With the weather being so tempermental, though, the children and I try to take full advantage of the sun when it shines. I will say this...after several park excursions, this was the winning trip...the one that we were actually able to coerce geese into feeding from us. It was also the weekend, ironically enough, that I forgot to bring extra bread (and lettuce!) with us. So-we used half of Corynn's sandwich!

Mattie works this weekend...the third weekend in a row that he has worked. So he is off working hard for us today and we are going to go grocery shopping. More like a run-of-the-mill type day than a weekend, but still. He works tomorrow as well. We both hate it when he works on the Sabbath. I may take the children by myself to morning worship, rather than wait until evening as we usually do. Last weekend he worked so late, we didn't make it to evening worship either-and so I will make sure the children and I are there bright and cheery (though not so cheery they are loud during service, I hope!) for the morning worship service. All this to say, my dear husband sure does a lot for our family and without complaint. He amazes me.

Tomorrow is the big day...the prize reveal! And then-Monday, ah Monday. My Panda turns one. What a dear boy he is. Takes after his father.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
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