Sunday, April 01, 2007

Wanna win a prize? It's.....


Ahhhhh...spring! Put's me in a happy mood...and gets me ready to give a little bit of sunshine out too. I offer to you, my esteemed few readers, a chance to win a bit o' sunshine. It's easy to do, too! The last time I offered a contest you had to tediously write out a WHOLE summer recipe. Not this time. This time you must only post a comment saying where you are from. Now-who can't do THAT?

You see... I despise those little tickers that tell you how many people have stopped by (for my own blog, that is). I see that as only one more thing to become fixated on. I don't want the pressure on me. I don't want a 'GET MORE READERS' complex. Gotta keep it REAL, you know?


I would very much like to know where my blog friends are from...especially if there are any international pals floating about. I know my friends the Drifthout's, from England, stop by from time to time, a few Canadians drop by to visit and I even recall a certain Australian appearance. So-where ARE you from? You needn't put a city, if that causes a worryline on your brow. Only the state or country. And it is that simple. I very much look forward to all this! Wa HOO!

"Now", you say, "let's get to the good stuff. What's in it for me?"

Ah yes. Well, the prize is an all expense paid visit to Happy Valley for a visit.

Just kidding.

No, up for grabs is a goody basket (yes, that means more than ONE thing!!!) that will include...a wonderully scented candle, a jar of blueberry jam with coordinating spreader, a delicious box of my favorite tea (can you guess which one it is?) and finally and handmade (by me) breadcloth for wrapping up your freshly baked breads and rolls (or any bread you might have on hand.) Of course, that has yet to be there is no picture. But I can tell you it will be made out of a lovely spring-ish paisley print...and with lots of love.

So there you have it! I will start working on it as soon as I finish this post. In the next day or two, I will post a picture to hopefully, sweeten the pot. Here are the rules.

You must comment on this post BY noon on April 1st to be included in the drawing. Oh-and one more thing. All my friends and family that I already KNOW where you live...if you want to be included in the drawing, you must comment as well. You are not getting out of it THAT easy! The name will be drawn at random and the winner announced by evening on April Fools Day.

No foolin, no lyin!

(PS. This post is 'stuck' to the top of the blog...scroll down to see most recent posts...)


  1. Count me in! This sounds like so much fun. I am blessed to live in lovely North Carolina.Blessings!

  2. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Well you already know where I am...Western MD...about an hour and a half from you. ~Jen

  3. Hello Rebecca, how nice of you to offer a nice Spring contest! Well, I am Bev from SW Missouri...and I LOVE your blog...thank you so much for sharing with us!

  4. I am christina from Concord, Georgia

  5. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Hi there, Rebecca - My name is Michelle and I live in Freeland, Michigan.

    All of the pictures of your kiddos are just adorable - good job on the photography!

  6. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Hi Rebecca,

    I am from Mississippi. I live on 40 acres out here with my wonderful hubby and our four delightful children. We have 3 sons and one daughter (and maybe more in the future). We are a Christian family who serve our Lord faithfully (or at least try to :) I love your blog!! And thanks for offering this contest.

  7. Anonymous2:23 PM

    sorry my name is Emily!! LOL (the one from Mississippi!!!)

  8. Did somebody say PRIZE? It's your friend Wendy from Pennsyltucky.--HA.

  9. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I loveyour crafts, especially the pinecone XMAS trees! I'm in Northern Virginia!

  10. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Heehee Well you already know were I am. Kim from Ontario, Canada :-)

  11. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I like to read your blog everyday. I'm from Illinois. Where do you get all your energy from? LOL

  12. Mandie here- I'm Colorado Springs.
    Hugs to the Newmans from the Giedds!

  13. Hi,
    My name is Jennifer. I found your blog while I was living in Russia so I guess in a half way sort of way you had a reader from Russia(we were missionaries there with an organization called Mission to Unreached Peoples). Now we are living back in Alaska. I have to admit I have been a tad jealous of all the beautiful spring time photos you have posted. We still have several feet of snow with the latest dumping being only a couple of days ago.
    Anyway, I have thoughouly enjoyed your blog.

  14. Hi! I read your posts each day and I absolutely love your pictures. I'm Gena from south of Atlanta, Georgia. I've lived here my entire life and am still loving it. Count me in for your wonderful giveaway!

  15. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Hi! Okay, I am coming out of lurkdom! And the only reason I lurk is because my kids are usually running around and driving me batty, so I can't sit and post! I live in Ontario, Canada, not far from Toronto.
    I love your blog!! It is one of the highlights of my day!


  16. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Nice blog, Rebecca and I'm happy to see that life is good in Happy Valley.

  17. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I just love your blog! It's one of my daily reads!

    I'm Tracy from Hazleton, Pa

  18. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Sunny, but with lots of pollen to annoy our allergies here in North Carolina.

  19. I can't pass that up. lol! We're currently stationed in Virginia.

  20. Anonymous12:02 AM

    OK, count me in, too! It's the "other" Rebecca (Becky), Ab's sis in NY. :-)

  21. Hello from Knoxville, Tennessee. I enjoy your blog. Your kids are adorable. Your daughter looks almost just like my friends daughter when she was that age.

  22. Hi Rebecca
    I live in Southern British Columbia, where we have more annual hours of sunshine than Hawaii!! Last summer we had temps that were around 42' Celsius (108' F) for about a week!! Yikes! Normally we spend most of the summer around 25'-35'C (77'-95'F). A beautiful place to live. Thanks for the contest.... what a wonderful idea... I need to think one up for my blog! How fun!
    thanks for the visit to my blog... feel free to come visit again!

  23. PS
    that's in Canada for those that don't know. =)

  24. Goodmorning! I from rural Northeast Ohio. Actually, our town is so small, it only consists of a Feed/hardware store, Dairy Queen, tractor dealership, moped dealer/parts, 2 churches, volunteer fire station, and a corner store!
    Fun contest!

  25. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Hi...I'm Crystal from Pahrump, NV. I really enjoy your site and your little ones are adorable. Keep the recipes coming because that is one of my favorite parts of your site......

  26. I'm a friend of Abigail's from college... I've been lurking for awhile.
    My name is Liana and I live not far from where we went to college -gotta love good ol' Western NY!

  27. Hi there! This is Michelle from northeastern PA. :)

  28. Hi Rebecca! Your prizes sound wonderful!!! I'm in Dallas, Texas!


  29. Anonymous10:01 AM

    you really need more to do . you have to much time on your hand . you need to do more cooking for that had working (not so good looking ) husband of yours . thanks ( the best looking one in the family ) master brown

  30. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Good morning. I currently live in Northern California. :o)

  31. mmmmmm, homemade jam and a scented candle - sounds heavenly. I've visited your site a couple of times. I'm from South Dakota where life in the country is grand!

  32. Okay, you know how to get us to slow down and comment! :)

    I live in the American Midwest in an area where there are lots of trees as well as cornfields, soybeans, John Deere tractors, and...

    one huge University!

  33. Hi Rebecca! I live close to Richmond, Virginia:)

  34. Hi Rebecca!

    (That's my nieces name too). I am Linda from Southwestern VA, near the Roanoke Valley.

  35. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Hi! I'm Darya from southwest Ohio. I enjoy reading your blog: seeing all the neat crafty things you create, hearing about your adorable children and looking at the nice photos you take :)

  36. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I live in beautiful West Virginia (north central)!

  37. Hello Rebecca! I am coming out of my lurking status to say I am from Southern California.

    I love your blog and looking at your pictures. You have a lovely family!

  38. Rebecca,
    Lurking from rural east Texas.


  39. Hi, its Candy here :)
    From Edmonton, ALberta, Canada
    Big hugs to you. Your so sweet to have this contest. Whoever wins will be blessed!

  40. people come out of the woodwork for a contest, don't they?

    this is your photography friend Alison in Tennessee and I want to WIN!!! :)

  41. I am originally from Florida. However, last August my DH and I made Texas our home (at least for the next 4 years).

  42. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Present and accounted for here in Georgia! This sounds like a very nice prize!!! Enjoying your blog!
    Amy from Ponderings From Picket Fence Cottage

  43. ME ME ME PICK ME! Still here in Colorado PICK ME!!!

  44. Anonymous6:37 PM


    We're finally back home and I'm trying to catch up on everyone's blogs again! Can't wait to read what you and your family have been up to!

    I'd love to enter your contest! You know where I'm from but I'll share anyway for those who don't know. ;) I'm from upstate NY!

  45. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Well...I posted earlier, but for some reason it didn't work....
    This is exciting! Can't wait to see who the lucky one is that wins!
    Happy Wednesday!
    Victoria from Northern California

  46. Hello. I love your blog. Well, I am originally from Saskatchewan, Canada, but I moved to Arizona because my husband is American. We talked on the phone for 6 weeks, and then met in person on March 3rd, and married on March 7th, of the same year, and then had to be apart for a year because of immigration. But I am here now, and I am so blessed.

  47. Still working my way through the blog party sites! I love your site! and count me in...I'm from western NY!! Hope you stop by my site too

  48. I love your blog as it reminds me to think of the times we spent together when we were younger. I am Regina from Georgia, now living in Central Virginia just outside of Lynchburg with my soon to be hubby (about two weeks to go):)

  49. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Joanna here, from northern Ca. :)

  50. Hey, don't change our name!
    We're the Dutch Drijfhout's from Keele, England.
    Give the box with goodies to some one else, I'd rather have the paid for visit to Happy Valley!

  51. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Hi, I'm Cori from Central California. I'm truly enjoying all the beautiful spring weather we're having...regardless of the raging allergies that accompany all the blossoms. Thank you for sharing the glimpse into your life with us everyday.


  52. Hi, I'm a neighbor just southeast of you by way of rt 322 :)

    You have a beautiful blog!

  53. A hearty Howdy from Houston Texas

    I read everyday here


  54. Anonymous3:54 PM


    You know me from the Crossroads of America! Good old Indiana. I have known you since you were a wee lassie, and I love your blog. It so shows off your personality and character. Thanks for taking the time to write so frequently.

    And, I don't need a prize. I just want to see you at your mom's next month. :-)

    Love, Mrs. B.

  55. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Hey Rebecca!

    Melissa from NC here! I've been wanting to make it back over the your blog for the last week and a half to say THANK YOU for posting the herb bread recipe! It turned out delicious and I did the yummy garlic cheese bread the next day with it too! :) YUMMY!!

    Thanks again!

  56. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Hi Rebecca,

    Anne from Connecticut here. :-)
    What a lovely gift basket you have put together for the lucky winner.
    You're so creative!


  57. Oh how fun, I LOVE contests! (Even though I never win anything either...)
    And you already know I read your blog and love it...and I'm from California...

  58. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Hi Rebecca,
    I'm Jerelene from Southern Indiana! I love your blog. You make everyone who reads feel like a friend. You are definately someone I'd love to meet!


  59. Hey there! I am a daily reader and I looooove your writing, photography, and perspective. I love your obvious love of God and your family (they are by far your priority!)- very inspirational! I am a scientist and not a stay at home mom, so I really enjoy this look into the life of a full time mom and crafter-extraordinaire, so exciting!

  60. I don't want to win the prize for the contest, but since you had 59 comments, I thought I'd throw you at the 60 Mark. This is Elizabeth from NY, but you'd best know me already, because I am your SISTER :)

  61. Too late to win, but thought I'd add to your numbers. I'm from Western PA and coincidentally clicked onto your blog by way of Wendy's -- who happens to be my little sister.


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