Sunday, April 01, 2007


Before I announce the winner of my contest, I just have to say...YOU ARE A BUNCH OF STINKPOTS! ;-) After two years of blogging, I thought I had about a dozen friends and family who check my blog occasionally. You certainly had ME fooled! When I saw the comments rise above 20...I was shocked. When it went past 40, I nearly swallowed my tongue. No-I am NOT kidding.

It was very fun to see where people were from and meet new people (THANK YOU for making yourselves known!) I learned some new things, discovered some great blog, even socked some of your names away for future babies, if ever they come! There are some real beauties out there!

I finished the breadcloth just in time for a photo shoot. As you can see, I appliqued a butterfly to the corner and added rickrack to the edges. Perfect for spring, I'd say. Now...WHO is this butterfly flying to?...?....?....?...?

The winner is...Ellie from Ontario Canada! Ellie, congratulations! Please email your address at sgrbear724(at)yahoo(dot)com and I will mail these goodies out to you A.S.A.P-seems to me spring needs to get to Canada pretty quick.

Thank you to all who participated in this contest and for all of you who visit Renaissance from time to time! I wish I had prizes for all of you. Maybe another day...


  1. Congrats, Ellie!!

    I love that butterfly!!! I need to quickly close down the page so my daughter doesn't want one of her own. lol!

  2. Congratulations, Ellie! Rebecca, you have made such precious gifts!

  3. Yay for Ellie! I'm jealous I didn't win, nonetheless, I'll still read your blog & enjoy your pictures, stories, and recipes!

  4. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Hi Rebecca,

    Glad for the lady in Ontario for winning the contest.

    Tell Andrew 'Happy Birthday'!! from all of us in Indiana.

    See you soon.

    Love, Mrs. B.

  5. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Okay, let me try this again! I don't know why my message didn't post here last night..hmm.. Anyway, thank you so much! I can't believe I won!! I never win anything, this is so exciting! My poor mail carrier will not have a moments peace now! Thank you so much Rebecca!!


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