Monday, April 02, 2007

Matching Girls

Corynn asked me to take a picture of her and "Laura"-her most precious childling. Yes. She totes her littlest Miss everywhere and has become her fast friend. Even more special now, because they can MATCH...with matching dresses! (T.J.Maxx had the real girl/doll girl sets on sale for $11.00!) And they are CHARMING dresses with vintage-looking fabric-and an extra underlayer lined with gingham. GORGEOUS! If you have one of these stores around and have an extra $11.00 or so...check it out! Wa-hoo! The more people who buy them...the more often they will provide these NICE dresses and less of the "I-want-my-3 yr. old-to-look-like-a-trashy-teenager" type dresses. So GO-buy one. Or two!

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