Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Birthday Bash

All in all, the Panda had a good day yesterday. Considering he had no clue WHY he was getting to eat yummy treats and open presents. He is just a roll with the punches kind of guy...and he did it with gusto! I tried to think of things that went along with Andrew's nickname...which became a theme. The party was just the four of us-and it was very nice.

For Appetizers we have...

Gummy bears, "Bamboo" crackers, and creatures of the forest-BUGS. These bug graham crackers are the CUTEST thing. Seriously! So perfect for summer!

We usually have a BIRTHDAY REQUEST dinner but since Andrew is too young (and shoves his face with ANY food!) I made...

Thai Stir Fry with bean sprouts and white rice. Kindof goes along the Panda theme if you think about where they live.

And for Dessert-you know it, A PANDA CAKE!

Check out the Fruit Roll Up 'Bamboo'


  1. I LOVED Andrew's cake!!! It was THE BEST! :) the fruit-roll up bamboo "takes the cake" :) It turned out wonderful Rebecca (and the food looked delicious too!!!)

  2. Rebecca,
    You did an incredible job on that precious cake. You are just so talented in all domestic arenas. I love the cute snacks. (especially the gummy bears)Have a blessed day!

  3. You did a great job on the cake. I really like the bamboo idea, you are so creative. Have a great day!

  4. Hi Rebecca---oh my, all the food looked good--I love Thai food. The Panda cake is absolutely adorable----Happy Birthday to your sweet baby:)


  5. That cake is ADORABLE! I do love the bamboo. All of your Panda themed food is just too cute.

  6. What a great cake! (We have the same bibs: yay Walmart!) Happy Birthday to your little one!

  7. Oh, the cake is amazing, Rebecca! What a cute birthday boy!! It sounds like his day was very special!! Happy Birthday, Andrew!!

  8. Happy 1st Birthday, Andrew! I LOVE his cake, and it looks like he had such a fun day!!!

  9. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Great job on the cake, Rebecca.
    I love the look on Andrew's face...
    he's such a cutie.


  10. Happy Birthday little Andy-Man! Wow!- A year already! The cake was great Rebecca- you have talent!

  11. That Panda cake is way too cute! Looks like he enjoyed it too ;)

  12. Golly, you went all out! I love the cake, and I wish I had been there to eat a slice.


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