Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The Customary Cake Shoving

Matt HATES this part...but you know-it just HAS to be done!

Mental note: Black icing is probably not a good idea...EVER.
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  1. LOL! I'll bet it tasted good!

  2. Yeah, black icing might not be the easiest to wash off...
    Kaden wasn't actually that interested in his birthday cake at first...we kinda had to help him figure out that it was cake and it tasted good...and then it got it. :) Looks like Andrew figured it out pretty quick.

  3. Yes, I have to agree with your thoughts. I would be cringing right along with Matt with black icing. Any other color, and I'd be cheering and laughing along with you! ;)

  4. Surprisingly (and thankfully) he didn't get icing anywhere but skin. (I don't even want to think about the clothing damage that could have ensued...)

    Michelle-that icing could be clear and Matt would hate that. He hates when kids are encouraged to be messy eaters. Just a silly petpeeve. :-)

    It *did* taste good though! ;-)


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