Thursday, April 05, 2007

Proud as a Peacock!

Her own freshly made rolls! Interestingly-hers were perfect and mine were burned on bottom! :-)
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  1. You need to get yourself some of those cookie sheets Corynn has! :)

  2. It is so great that you have pictures like these. I wish I had more pictures of my kids doing things like this. That was back in day when you had to get everything developed and that got expensive so I don't have very many. She looks so very proud!

  3. Michelle~and LOTS of them! ;-)

    Carrie~I know exactly what you mean. I take pictures nearly every day now that I have a digital camera. My film camera was used for special occasions and flower shots, etc. It sure is nice to have a digital camera of ANY size! :-)

  4. She's so satisfied, and rightly so!


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